
Stale bread? I think @TreatyStones was lambasted for putting up bread sauce on here because it was made from stale bread… Where are the stupid cunts like @Horsebox now?

Where’s the rest of it?


Fuck sake, that’s the second time some self important prick has tried to act the hard man with me and I’ve only made 4 or 5 posts. Could you not ignore the question or answer it, slow cooked beef isn’t telling us an awful lot, it’s like saying you had an omelette.


FFS I was cut assunder for making a small accompanying sauce out of bread and here you are making a whole course out of it.


It was a case of tackling the poster me thinks… The likes of @Horsebox and @HBV detest you.

A sauce out of bread sounds disgusting,pal.

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I went full roaster yesterday and had Vol Au Vont and Chips for my dinner


Made broccoli and Stilton soup in my new soupmaker yesterday.

Broccoli head of
Potato one
Onion one
Stock 800ml
Butter big knob of

Chop up and into soup maker and press the pulse button. When it beeps add the Stilton (100g of) and press the blend button

Have brought some in for lunch today.



Please post a link to somewhere I can purchase said soup maker.


would you serve a spoon of bread and butter pudding with your turkey and ham?

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Would you serve someone bread and jam for a dessert?

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no, bread and jam would be a jam sandwich
bread and butter pudding is a pudding(dessert)

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Bread sauce is a sauce (sauce)

it is, but the bread is just a thickening agent, what you are making is a sauce thickened with bread crumbs to fill you up and make the turkey and ham go further.
bread and butter pudding is a standalone treat.
it depends on your social and economic background really.


A background where bread and jam is considered a treat?

the lower socio economic groups may do so but i wouldnt recommend jam sandwiches as a treat and i would actually advise against it totally

Interesting. Very interesting.

Correct. Very much a case of attacking the poster there although bread sauce is like something from Charles Dickens and I wasn’t previously aware of its existence in a modern first world economy.

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