
Can you answer if that is two soggy slices of white bread buttered you have in it?


No, it’s white bread with a lovely bit of gubbeen cheese melted on top, sliced and popped on top of the stew, into the oven for the last 15 minutes.
Soggy??? Oh yes, most definitely.
I don’t eat much bread but when I do I like to enjoy it.

is it sourdough?

do you find there is a savage crunch off the sourdough when you toast it?

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I haven’t toasted it ever, would you recommend that? The loaf i got today is unreal. It’s a gamechanger this sourdough. I’ve ate i suppose one third of the loaf already and i’m looking forward to attacking it again at HT in the match here. I will put some of that hummus on it and some peppers because i’m a modern man and not a roaster. Two years ago i’d be sat here eating ham sandwiches and didn’t know any better but i have made great strides in food and nutrition, mostly thanks to inspirational people like yourself who have also changed their lives for the better.


its unreal toasted with the butter then melting into it, it reminds me of griddle bread my granny used to make, its very hard to control yourself alright when you have a full loaf, I got one yesterday on the way home from work,a 800 gramme loaf for £3.50, jesus it took all me will power not to ate it all in one go, its fantastic to hear the positive changes in your lifestyle management

£3.50 is a fair whack, is it a massive loaf? Mine was €3.90 but i suppose you can’t put a price on your health and positive well-being.

you can’t hold back when it comes to quality, money doesn’t come into it

That’s my supper tonight, unreal. Two slices of sourdough bread covered with a layer of red pepper hummus, then I have a soft boiled egg spread across each and finally a few pieces of chopped peppers on each. Everything there is the best of ingredients bought fresh in the market this morning, no expense spared. As tassotti says you can’t skimp on these things.


Reminds me of the time Dinny was painting shit on his eggs, fresh peppers indeed, you’d never get the likes of that in Lidl.
You’ll be calling papa John later on for two 16 inchers like Tassoti last week, I wonder will they do a sourdough base for ya.

Seriously, anybody ever make their own sourdough starter, did it a few years ago and it was unbelievable.

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that’s pizza hut pal, they do a savage ham and pinapple pizza, I slipped up after a feed of drink

did you poach the egg or boil it and then peel the skin off?

I boiled them until they were medium-soft and then i bust open the top with a small spoon and scooped out the contents onto the sourdough bread.

Toasted sourdough with beef/cheese and hotsauce


Unreal. Lovely quilt cover too.


Forgot to post up my Friday night fish:

Serious day of cooking underway. Big pot of vegetable soup on the hob at the moment and have a ham roasting in the oven. Also doing a roast striploin later with all the trimmings


Christ Fran, is it a funeral you’re catering for??
Fish looks good, Seabass?? Curry and med veg?? Lovely worktop by the way.

@Tassotti what is the nan bread looking thingy at the bottom of your plate??

Have to prepare for the week, mate. The ham is for tomorrow night and sandwiches during the week. Soup is also for kids during the week, I’d say I’ll have a bowl myself though later.

The fish was Monkfish, it was tremendous

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Luckily my missus is off work on a career break at the moment, i have fresh soup three or four days a week in my lunchbox, we had a fabulous curried parsnip soup yesterday lunchtime.
Monkfish is a fabulous fish, I do a lovely monkfish and prawn curry. I’ll picture it the next time.