
Went the best, the lamb being the highlight. They did show up in a brand new, straight outta the box, motor though. Didn’t appreciate that. Potential inheritance about $30k lighter right there. :angry:

I’ve no doubt it will be lovely pal but it’s a good and an expensive piece of meat to be putting in a stew when any old cut will be just as nice if you cook it long enough.

I’m not sure I agree that it’s an expensive cut of meat, if I want to cook a lamb stew it’s as cheap as it gets, obviously I can get cuts of beef for a fraction of the price but that’s for another day.

Nice bit of Lebanese street food. Falafel

Fagan put me in the mood so he did


Did you make a sourdough chip butty with the chips?

Looks unreal. I love a falafel wrap myself, i used to buy them off the Syrian fella outside the market in Limerick but haven’t had one since that day it gave me the shits.

Speaking of which, i was in the market this morning. I bought myself a lovely loaf of sourdough and bought some red pepper hummus amongst some of my purchases. @ciarancareyshurlingarmy i didn’t see you in there? Saw your post earlier but i was in bed at the time and reckoned you’d have been gone when i got in. I don’t know what you look like though. It was a wet auld day for it. I’d say i came home €50 lighter.

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you copy my purchases, sourdough or spelt loaf and a large bag of olives.

Had a busy morning, a training session done, a run to and from another session, haircut, market, lidl for a large bunch of flowers, met a man about a gaa issue and cooked brunch.

Having a laze now in front of the tv and considering backing france to win. Have backed starchitect at 18s with boyles on 5 places


Who do you buy the sourdough off? I got mine today off the heavy fella in the middle with the bit of a smig, he sells eggs too. I used to buy my bread off the fella from Barna outside Pallasgreen but I haven’t seen him there in weeks and his spot has now been taken. Do you know if he’s alright? I know he has issues getting around as he has a very bad back.

dont know who is from pallas. I share the business round

He sells all gluten free products, normally stands beside the fella with the big beard selling the cheese. He has grey hair, low sized skinny fella and walks with a bit of a limp. I assumed you’d know him that’s all and was wondering where he had gone.

I know him…think he has a little shop somewhere…

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He does yeah, he opened a shop somewhere in the past few months so maybe it’s a case that he has stopped coming into the market now and you have to go to the shop instead. I think it is somewhere in or around the dock road?

Haven’t seen you behind the fruit and veg stall in a long time, have you given up the market now totally?

His shop is next to Canteen on Mallow street in case you’re interested in calling up there.

Haven’t a clue where that is but cheers will look it up. You been in there? Worth a look?

I was never that impressed with anything I got off him to be honest so no, I haven’t been into the new shop. The Gluten Free craze has probably put me off as well.
If you’ve never been into Canteen though that is definitely worth a look, former chef from the Fat Duck (Heston B) has it and does healthy lunches at a reasonable price, also does outstanding cakes etc and Badger and Dodo coffee.

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Sitting down to this now

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You’re some roaster, big mug of milk and all.

Is that bread that you have in it?


And a big tub of dairygold - go on the lad!

Had to do it after I saw a lad here served up a stew with a side of rocket last week.
The milk was a set up I have to admit (although I did drink it)