
You could mix a few boxes of Pringles in when its all ready to go, game changer I’d say. Like the fat bird in supermacs ordering a diet coke with her half pounder meal.


Unreal a feast fit for a king


Fucking hell. I can only do half of it in one sitting. Stuffed

Good atin kid.

Off work today so I’ve marinated and then sealed a big piece of brisket, popped it in a dutch oven sitting on a half bottle of red(around 120) where it will stay for the next six hours or so, will be serving with buttery mash, roast cauliflower and buttered spinach. I have a lot of sweet potato so I may incorporate that as well.
Might pop up a picture of the meat later.


Dutch oven, a picture of your meat, are you sure you’re on the right forum?


Annual leave? Sick leave ? Term time ?
Job sharing ?
Think carefully before you answer.

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Waiting for it to cool now and then will mix in the dried fruit and raisins and into a container.


That’s like something I just fed to a few bull calves



Here is the finished product after I’ve added the dried fruits and raisins to it.

I tasted a bit of it there and it was unreal, can’t wait to pour a bit of milk over a bowl of it in the morning. It is quite simply a gamechanger.

That’s the very best of produce gone into that. The nuts and raisins alone that I put in it cost me a tenner in the market this morning. Four different bags of seeds then at €2-3 a pop, the dried fruits were €3.50, I’d to buy a bottle of honey and vanilla extract as well. I reckon there’s nearly €30 gone into that box but you really can’t put a price on that, it’s priceless.


Don’t ruin it with milk FFS. Good pure natural yoghurt

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@Smark I’d say your Tinder Bitches lapped that up

“Sorry, I was off making some granola”


“What did you get up to Saturday night? Where did you end up?”

“I stayed at home actually baking granola.”

@Smark - you’re really blazing a trail here…delighted the recipe worked out for you.

What weight is in the finished product pal? A top quality granola could cost €5 or €6 per 500g, so that’s a good rule of thumb. First batch is usually most expensive as you’re buying vanilla extract, etc.

As you get more and more used to making it (i.e. Not bothering your ass weighing as you go), you can start leaving out bits like dried banana and keeping your costs down.

For a busy professional man, this is the ideal mid-morning snack. You could also have a small tupperware container of it in the car for a healthy snack after a night of netflix and knocking the hoop off a dirty Cork bird.



That granola is going to be unreal no matter what way you have it.

I didn’t weigh it after boss, i just lumped it into that container and done. How much would you say is in it to look? I’m not sure if i’ll get two weeks out of it personally but we’ll see. Yeah you’re right, the initial costs will be high. All them seeds i bought i still have half of them for another whack of the same amount, and the vanilla extract and the honey etc. Will need to spend maybe €10-12 on nuts/raisins/dried fruit for the next batch but that’s it. So really for two batches of it i’m looking at about €40. My energy levels in the mornings now are going to be off the charts.

Having that granola with milk is the equivalent of dousing the worlds finest steak with a big jug of pepper sauce

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A savage bit of striploin tonight.
Yet again I absolutely nailed it. Perfectly pink all the way through. I seriously doubt there’s a better man in north west limerick to cook a steak.