
The Dunph knows the score

[quote=“balloobasluvsbeer”]Ate a feed of mash, carrots and pork chops for the dinner earlier, hadn’t had a pork chop in years. Brushed on a mix
of olive oil, chilli powder and cayenne pepper first before grilling them, mighty job.[/QUOTE]

Had a pork chop myself as well yesterday evening for the dinner, it was the first time i’d had one in i’d say 6months. A mighty job…

Pork Chops, beans and spuds. One of my favourite dinners.
Right now though, I have a breast box, chips and a portion of curry. Nom nom.

[quote=“The Runt”]Pork Chops, beans and spuds. One of my favourite dinners.
Right now though, I have a breast box, chips and a portion of curry. Nom nom.[/QUOTE]


I had a few grapes there a while ago, there isn’t much in the house and i’m not in the form for cooking…

Jaysus, wouldn’t be a fan of beans(if it’s baked beans you meant…) myself with any dinner unless it was a burger and chips/junk food type job.
Can’t stand beans with a fry either for some reason, always ask for an extra egg instead if eating one out.

:p:p:p :eek:

Ah beans are fantastic. You can’t beat beans on toast.

Beans on toast are superb allright, just don’t like them with frys or dinners. In saying that if a dinner was threw up to me with beans in it, I’d still eat them of course.

In general I wouldn’t be a huge fan of beans with my dinner but I do like them with either mash or a fry.

I could seriously eat from a tin of beans right now.

I had a conversation with someone lately where i said if i had a very basic budget or where if i was told i could only live off of one food what would it be, and i picked beans. Says it all…

I lived off packets of knor soup and potatoes for a year when I was in college. I never really got too sick of it which was surprising. I went a few weeks eating crispy pancakes, waffles and beans, didn’t touch a pancake or a waffle for about two years after that they disgusted me so much.

Them waffles are disgusting alright. I used to eat loads of them in college as well. I hadn’t had one in over a year and just before christmas there was nothing much else in the house so i put two on. I nearly got sick after it. I will never again touch one.

shepherds pie, bleedin delic man.

What a dinner…

Two lamb chops
3 spuds (Roosters of course)
A plethora of Brussel Sprouts

Great altogether.

Recipes for dinner seem to have got plainer round here since I called lads out on their pretentious bullshitting. Nice to see.

I had Salmon en Crote, made with my own fair hands, for dinner this evening. Just so you know, gola.

Dropped out to the mothers house earlier… a big pot of stew on the boil! god love her… had too big bowls of it and about 5 cuts of bread lashed in butter…you cant beat the mothers cooking!!

Superquinn rolls deserve a mention.

Bread is fantastic, the lad packed it out with spicy chicken, a selection of peppers and finished with a splash of ketchup. Boiled up the kettle and complemented the tae with a yorkie raisin and biscuit.

A fine quick meal for 4.49.

[quote=“Tony Dorigo”]Superquinn rolls deserve a mention.

Bread is fantastic, the lad packed it out with spicy chicken, a selection of peppers and finished with a splash of ketchup. Boiled up the kettle and complemented the tae with a torkie raisin and biscuit.

A fine quick meal for 4.49.[/QUOTE]

Now would you hollow out this roll?

[quote=“Tony Dorigo”]Superquinn rolls deserve a mention.

Bread is fantastic, the lad packed it out with spicy chicken…[/QUOTE]

Obviously I ain’t gonna tamper with a masterpiece…