

Just had a rack of baby back ribs with mashed potatoes and a bowl of duche de leche ice cream for afters

Hungry enough all day, just after a fine spot of super noodles on toast. Really hit the spot…

The breakfast of champions that :clap:

Breakfast? I was thinking it’s more of a last meal of the night job. It was superb so it was. I even mixed in a few frozen peas into the pot.

Just after a noble steak and chips. Hard to beat that…

No indeed. Had baked cod and baby potatoes with parsley sauce myself. Not bad at all. I’m having trouble finding a suitable side dish for it though. Marinated some cherry tomatoes in balsamic vinegar for a while and mixed them up with a load of other rabbit food with a honey and mustard dessing. Ok, but not inspiring.

I like to do home cut oven cooked chips with my fish.

Here’s a great little sauce to put over white fish you’ve done in the pan, After you take out the fish, fire in a bit of butter, chopped parsley, in to the pan let the butter start to boil, add the juice of half a lemon, stir it for about 20 seconds, then pour it over the fish, savage.

A noble Kebab from the Zaytoon there.

Ive yet to try Zaytoon sober… only discovers the wonders of said establishment late last year…

When i was above in Dublin for the welsh game, i sampled zaytoon after coppers. 3 chicken kebabs, they were fair nice!

Anyone ever try those dunnes stores oatmeal choc chip cookies?

They’re like table coasters but dipped in tea they are not that bad

Toffee pops are the shot

What this man said…

After atin lamb chops, Garlic mash and green beans, I put a bit much garlic in the spuds but she tis atin now

Lamb chops are the job. Had one for the dinner earlier with spuds, onions, carrots and gravy. Had two slices of lemon cake, an easter egg, a moro, two creme eggs and two cups of tea afterwards then. Fine and full here now…

did you not eat all day or what, a fine feed in all fairness to you

Lionel Messi just had Arsenal for dinner

I applaud your eating capacity Dunph,but tell me has the diet gone out the windy?


In truth Rintintin the diet was no more than a pipe dream and never got off the ground…