
Picked up in at the fish counter in the local Dunnes. They get all their fish from some place in Howth. Never heard that rule before. Just said I’d try something different this evening. Yer man behind the counter said to just throw them in a pot of boiling water but any of the ones I’ve had before have had some form of Garlic and wine sauce I think.

Ah mussells are the business. Ya for the garlic/wine sauce just heat a bit of oil in the bottom of the saucepan, chop up some garlic and shallots and cook them in the oil on a low heat (don’t burn them, just soften them up), then when they have softened thrown in a nice glup of white wine (1 or 2 glasses), bring the wine to the boil and simmer for another couple of minutes, throw in some fresh chopped parsley (if you have it) then add the mussels and cover the pot allow them to steam for 3 or 4 minutes and thats them done.

A couple of things with mussels, don’t cook any mussels that won’t close before you cook them. As in, if they are a bit open, tap down the shell, if it stays closed grand, if it opens again throw it away. Then when they are finished cooking throw away any of the mussels that didn’t open during cooking.

Cheers for that man - I’ll report back later on the result.

Good call Runt - don’t think the mussels were of the best quality but the sauce was top notch

Next time a fella tries to sell you mussels between May and August beat him to death with them.

poor people are so twee


He was Spanish as well and told me the ones he gets in Spain were 5 times as big :rolleyes:

Two boiled eggs and a quarter loaf of brown bread, I was starved

Rich children are so lonely.

I like turfcutter. Very little horse shit.

Bought a carton of sushi rolls in Marks and Spencers there earlier for the craic. Just after eating them, not bad at all.
Very filling for things that look so small, I’d assume they are nothing like proper sushi though.

What’s sushi like? I’ve never had any. I had a few tins of herring fillets two hours ago and some soda bread. I haven’t been able to move since but i’ll be going to the shop in the next few minutes for a packet of wine gums…

These were bits of mackerel, salmon and prawns wrapped in a seaweed thing with chives, peppers, ginger and other stuff.
Around that then was a circle of rice about 3/4 of an inch thick with sesame seeds on the very outside.
Never had the herring fillets, I like the sardines in tomato sauce myself or else the tinned mackerel. Tried tinned crab meat but it was vile stuff alltogether.

had a bag of the sour ones earlier washed down with a bottle of club orange…powerful feed

They’re very similar to sardines in tomatoe sauce but way nicer…

Once you open a packet of them there’s no stopping at all until the whole lots gone. The big cinema size bags are tough going though…

I shall investigate this myself over the weekend sometime.

Do. You’re looking for Picnic brand, you can thank me afterwards.


You must be full of sugar now…

need it as i am fairly jadded here