Reckless Tackles/Challenges We All Love To See

The fat fucker couldn’t draw breath to blow the whistle

Who the fuck would want to ref that shite. Being thrown into a boot of a car would be the least of his worries.

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Plenty more at fault there than the LB

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He’s the smallest fella in the keepers eye line.

McCarey is clean useless
was BU keeper to Rogers at Dundalk for a bit - and Rogers was an absolute bombscare

That’s exactly it. There were far more culpable there but he went after the smallest, and probably weakest target. Real scumbag bully behaviour.

Didn’t cover himself in glory on a weak enough central shot too.

Goalkeepers cc @myboyblue


See the defender fucked the ball at him too. Clearly a cunt nobody likes.

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Poor from the player, you should always be expecting the unexpected.

One for the people who look and sound slow thread.

Adam Rooney not looking too upset

Goalies :rollseyes:

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Jesus :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

A nice good dunt in the back from Joker on hard man Morris.


Surely more to it than just that.

Jokic mugged right off there.

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tried to elbow a serb :smiley:

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