Reckless Tackles/Challenges We All Love To See


Fahk me dead! Crack!!

Goodnight sweet prince

Pow! Right in the kisser.

With his fackin elbow!

Pretty reckless .

In fairness your man started it

Not at all. Reid made the most of it. And a lazy involvement from McGrath that created the danger. Moran was a great bit of stuff.

As usual when analyzing these things there are a cacaphony of mistakes, the winger cuts back and plays a sloppy pass to the fullback who half goes, mcgrath as you say switched off.

It was a sending off alright

By today’s standards, sure. But if you look at what passed back then, Reid made the most of it. Moran didn’t go out to do him, and AFAIK there was no injury.

As an aside, Moran was a great bit of stuff. If Harry Maguire could be sat down and made watch a compilation of Kevin Moran videos (with a few Robbo ones thrown in for good measure), he might end up quitting football.

If you could bottle what Moran had sure

It was rare enough in the 80s and 90s to have what he had, the stuff

Its almost non existant now. They’re preened and polished from a young age to be superstars and behave accordingly.

Lads are taken off the street at younger ages now and put in to academies and you see the decline in individual skills because of it and nore importantly the decline in character

Would Moran be held in high esteem amongst the Man U fans? You’d never see him or the old timers wheeled out much on tv. Not cool enough I suppose…

He is adored by the pros he played with

He’s not box office enough like Keano… McGrath is another one. But maybe he stays away from tv by choice, or maybe he just wouldn’t make a good pundit.

Is he not still working as an agent? Probably busy with that.

oh yeah, I forgot about that. He owns Portwest too right? I assume he is based in England all the time. Or as they call him in England: “Kevin Mor-ANN”.
He’d be known as “Kebin Morin” in Co Limk.

If that’s true, I did not know that. Did a quick search and nothing came up about it.

Kevin Moran is a very successful businessman. Educated to graduate level in commerce from his UCD days, a rarity for a professional footballer nowadays.

Absolutely. Moran is rightly held as a Man Utd legend. Still lives in Manchester as well. Probably one of the hardiest bastards to play for the club. If I remember correctly, he nearly died in a game and then togged out and played two days later. Constantly getting head injuries due to his playing style. Broken bones. Stitches. Old school. One of my favourites, along with Robbo. The European Cup Winners Cup QF second leg against Barcelona being a standout memory from that era.


Gary Lineker told a great story about Robson, He was at Leicester, debut season, going well. 10 stone piss wet through, they were playing United and preparing set pieces, the manager tells them Robson will just hang around on the edge of the box, waiting for a break, Gary you watch him and make sure nothing breaks out…

5 minutes in, United get a corner and the bauld Gary goes and stands longside Robson, what the fuck are you doing? Robson asks, I’m marking you… Oh aye, and Robson goes in to the box, just as the cross is coming in Lineker is upended and Robson heads over.

Next corner, are you back again… yes… lovely… corner comes in, the ball, Lineker and everything in the back of the net… Robson celebrating

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