Reckless Tackles/Challenges We All Love To See

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I was looking at some of Kevin Muscat’s carry on on YouTube yesterday. Christ almighty he was an animal - and that’s being unkind to animals, struck me as a right horrible bastard.


A despicable creature, the worst of the worst.

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Stealing a living as a footballer who only wanted to commit assault on the pitch.

I saw a quote from Peter Crouch recently where he said many defenders would threaten to break your legs but Muscat actually meant it.

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The story is told around Eslin and Mohill of how Jerome McWeeney deliberately smashed George Dugdale’s collar bone in a match between the two in the early 90s.

Dugdale of course was the county star.

McWeeney was ran out of every club he was in and ended up with us. As the late Timmie Shanley remarked ‘I’ve never seen someone let go of a good dog yet’.

Anyway after the match McWeeney was delighted with himself and sunk many pints in ‘celebration’.

Mohill dislikeness or not, that was wrong and that beast should have been shown the door from our club at the time.

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There’s no doubt but Jerome developed a bit of notoriety for himself. He was an ill fucker really…

Not a bad fella to chat too and good craic but his carry on on the pitch was unacceptable.

Timmie had great sayings.

We had a lad playing for us who, while being very earnest, wasn’t the greatest footballer.

Apparently there is a notion that having a dud cow in a field helps ‘better’ cows take to bull easier as the ‘better’ cow is not inundated with interest due to the existence of the dud.

On this basis Timmie deduced that having a dud footballer took interest away from the good ones to allow them to their stuff.

Anyway - I’ll leave it there and not let the thread get anymore off track.

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I can’t post a video from instagram, I just saw a lad nearly get killed in a rugby game

📺 VAR: Checking possible foul...👊🤣

— PDC Darts (@OfficialPDC) June 15, 2023

What happened? Did he choke on the biscuit?


I actually don’t like seeing these tackles, though I watch them anyway. That’s an old one.

Fucking hell


Gotta love Romario