Reeling in the years

Bit late for them to be having a think-in.

A party favourite for many years. There’s hardly a councillor in the country that hasn’t belted it out at some stage. No aspirant to Leinster House would proceed without it. From Galway to Graceland is an acceptable follow-up.


Was that the one where big Brian was doing his renowned Philip Walton impersonation ?


Coveney sent a Tweet and the world was never the same again.

A hape of pints a a few impersonations a sing song and still up for the Morning Ireland interview at 8am a real leader


I think the bit with “still up” might be more accurately described as “rolled into” Morning Ireland.


The cunt was literally dialling it in at that stage

Come on.

We’ve all attempted an impression of Philip Walton at 3 o’clock in the morning.

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1977 was on there earlier. The General Election brought a motley array of people to Dáil Éireann who became famous for one thing or the other.
Here’s a snippet of 1st time deppities:
Albert, Bertie, Sean Doherty, Liam Lawlor, Charlie McCreevy, Ruari Quinn, Mark Killalea (Howya Bon) and Pee Flynn among others.
Talk about being a proper country……


Some shower of cunts there

Harsh. You must never have benefitted at the hands of an elected official.
The Collins dynasty must put in the hard yards on constituency matters so.

Tax cuts and more public spending. A simple and effective campaign. A proper country


Did they abolish motor tax in 1977?

They did. Poor FG spent half the 80s mopping up FFs mess.

Two lovely blends of colours in the 1977 All-Ireland finals.

That Cork 1970s jersey was a thing of beauty.

Fianna Fáil win the Dail
Fine Gael go to jail

I posted this yesterday in Dublin GAA thread

Entirety of Dublin sideline supplies for 1976 All Ireland Final. Back in the day when you’d not swallow water to hydrate in case you get a “stitch “ so you’d swirl it around your mouth and spit it out.


Jimmy Keaveney had the stout in him from the night before so he was happy.

Lads in the running thread bring that in their running vest for 5k


A mate of mine from Castlebar was telling me about wakes in the area when Flynn would arrive in.

He’d walk up to the corpse and do a hand motion over the body and say……’no - fuck it lads he’s gone, I can do nothing’.

Whether that’s true or not doesn’t matter.:pint: