Reeling in the years

They did but the winning ticket was abolishing rates on private dwellings.

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How to Pee on the dead.

The way to introduce that was “I am reminded of a story, perhaps apocryphal…. “

Cc @anon67715551



At least they stuck to their promise. FG promised to abolish the temporary USC tax in 2’16

FF are currently thriving renamed Sinn Fein

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Except as we have seen in the last 18 months SF don’t have the neck like CHJ and the others FF have. All bark

Weren’t fianna fail originally sinn fein?

Often hear ‘Charlie would have stood up to nphet’ etc. What would be examples of him doing this going against the grain, standing up to powerful people etc type of thing?

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Charlie would have got in on the ground floor in a pharma/med supplies company and made serious wedge


Everyone was originally SF

This notion about Haughey is a great example of saviour syndrome, ie. the social media driven phenomenon where people are put up on a pedestal as all knowing saviours, which they are most assuredly not.

Saviour syndrome is a demonstration of a deep fear. Instead of coming to terms with trying to understand that fear and why it exists, people invest magical powers and infallibility in individuals to make everything alright.

I suppose it has been always been there to an extent in the human psyche but the social media age has ramped it up exponentially. Trump was the most obvious manifestation of it. The infallible powers invested by tens of millions of people in that criminal serial rapist con man was and remains frightening.

In Ireland during the pandemic the amount of people in the public eye who have had false saviour status bestowed upon them by petrified delusionists is astonishing.

Leo Varadkar, Tony Holohan, Michael McNamara, Luke O’Neill, Ivor Cummins, Michael O’Leary, Ewan MacKenna, Colm Parkinson, even Gary fucking Dempsey.

Leo Varadkar himself invoked the language of superheroes. He himself was suffering from the exact same syndrome that led people to bestow superhero status on him.

The hydoxychloroquine and ivermectin cults and the way all their crazy cheerleaders were continually amplified were saviour syndrome in action.

Conspiracy theories were examples of saviour syndrome manifesting itself in a different way. All the strife of the last two years apparently had a very simple, easily understandable, and most importantly, evil, evil I tells ya, explanation. It’s the watching too many Hollywood blockbusters mindset.

Now people are investing “saviour” status in fucking Omicron itself. :grinning:

The virus is the “saviour” which will “save us” from the virus. The psychosis has gone full circle.

When one has nowhere else to look, return to the past for an imagined saviour, step forward the ghost of Charles. J. Haughey. He was an all knowing superhero. He would have known what to do. Em, yeah, whatever. You can’t ever be proven wrong by investing a long dead person with superhero powers.

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This was seen as big at the time

Fianna Fail turned their backs on their country men in the north long ago… You can throw plenty at SF but they are nothing like Fianna Fail.

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:rofl: :rofl:
I enjoyed that but time to put Cheasty on ignore for the year again.


I am talking about current economic policies. Massive populist x 2

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That’s modern politics the world over kid… It’s all about judging what way the wind is blowing. Policies are not worth the paper they’re written on.

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You have a point . They all use coalition as a excuse when their policies are “diluted “

Easy see why folk vote independent

You’d want your head examined not to be for the good things and against the bad things.

Politics as we know it is dead.