Reeling in the years

McCreevy wasn’t all that bad FF cunt and all that he was.


In fairness to him he only destroyed the economy.

First new car I bought for cash came from me SSIA. Always had a soft spot for Charlie after that. Then John Gormley comes alonga while later. I think he was Green Party?? Not sure and halves the cars value with a stroke of a pen in the budget. Petrol baaad, Diesel goood.
Couldnt have been the Green Party?

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All went downhill after he was packed off to Europe in 2004, he advocated fiscal restraint but the Bert wanted the purse strings opened. The best Finance minister in my lifetime, billuns Noonan a close second.



2006 was the height of absolute shithousery. The Anglo money rolling around Cafe En Seine. The Ryder Cup and lads renting out their 3 bed semi in Maynooth for 10 grand for the week to some rich yank. SSIA money falling from the sky. Christmas shopping trips to New York for the weekend. What a fuckin year


The ould Arabs were showing up in London to buy property in Knightsbridge and Paddy with his Anglo money sending them packing. What a time to be alive


Sure didn’t a crowd of regulars from The Goat and Charlie Chawke buy Sunderland that year as well?

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You’re comfortably forgetting the great achievements of Ray MacSharry who in an 18 month tenure corrected the nation’s finances via a raft of savage spending cuts which didn’t sit well with CJH.
A solution was found within FF (isn’t there always) by appointing him European Commissioner which eased him out of national politics.


I was only a gasun then but you’re right, I will have to revise my power rankings

Glory days… we could all dream.

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Made sense for a man from the mane North West to enact the Fiscal Rectitude.

Jesus wept

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They should just make a Cavan man Minister for Finance, every cabinet

We’d die hungry but we’d have lovely coffins


Wait until the next Finance Minister from the North West gets a look into the coffers….
You’ll know all about Fiscal Rectitude then and some. The coffers may as well be coffins.


A well worn path for Finance ministers. Charlie Mc took the same route

€300k and you’re miles away from the grief of potholes, Hap, planning and medical cards….”It’s a well paid job now mind, but try running a home in Brussels etc”…

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I’m sure I recall Charlie McCreevy appearing on the Late Late Show circa March 2000, he possibly had a few drinks on board and came across like Pee Flynn had the previous year. “If I have it, I spend it, if I don’t have it, I don’t spend it”. Something along those lines. He appeared to be under the impression that an economy runs in the exact same way as a household budget and seemingly completely rejected the most basic Keynesian idea of counter cyclicalism. As somebody who got an A1 in ordinary level Economics in the Leaving Cert based on one day’s study having not taken Economics as a subject in school, I couldn’t believe what I was hearing and could never take him remotely seriously again.

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In fairness to Charlie he was in the kilare dug out last march when kildare beat dublin in the league and celebrated like it was a 6 in a row.

No sign of the cunt when kildare threw in the towel 3 minutes into the leinster final.

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It was unreal
Powers in maynooth ringing in the 800 euro bets on brave inca to win the champion hurdle.
I think i was in the bookies or caulfields for all 28 races…there was money everywhere

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