Reeling in the years

Roxy only had one UK #1. Jealous guy. Some list. The days when the Eurovision winner would make #1

What happened to Roxy? Their first few albums were superb and then they kinda went poppy?

Although Brian Eno did leave them which seemed to coincide with the change.

Bryan Ferry morphed into an easy listening James Bond type by 84/85

Hence the moniker The Lounge Lizard. I’m a fan of Ferry’s oul’ aisy stuff.

I heard he modelled himself on you.

He has my natural, easy and engaging charm alright but not the looks or dance style.

Jerry Hall would never have left you for Mick Jagger.

Is @anon67715551 a better pool player than Bryan ferry?

Some bird

and this one never made #1 in Ireland

Thought I didn’t know that but I do. Still stick by it not being as famous as the others though. They could be played at a wedding that’s more an irelands biggest jukebox with john Clarke tune.

75 t’uthr day. A belter.

2007 is on what a car crash

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Incredible times.

That Mika tune was iconic.

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Boyzone reuniting, what heady days.

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Which was the biggest car crash between 2007 and 2020 would you say? Has to be 2020?

There were a lot of great characters around in those days.


A lot of loud, busy, talentless cunts who couldn’t get away with it today were still riding high, they’d gone far just by making a lot of noise during the boom.

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A lot of those guys were top men in their time.

I think that’s the year they have a bit about Irish people going over for shopping trips to New York because of the weak dollar and the “value”.

Unbelievable shit, people with no cop at all, fooling themselves that their vanity trip to the Shtates was justified because they saved 20 euro on a pair of flared jeans from Gap/Tommy Hilfiger. The crew they interview must be 4 of the most gormless oinseachs ever to grace our screens.