Referendum 2024

Was that the same one who said going to a wedding together could be considered a durable relationship


I read that earlier.
Very well worded statement from FLAC.


She previously said it was subjective and gave examples of a durable relationship being evidenced by receiving postcards as a couple or being invited to weddings together.

Why the rush? Why not have a more complete understanding of the implications before holding the referendum?

There’s a unit in the department of justice that deals with applications for citizenship based on marriage. They look for evidence it’s a “real” marriage and not a sham one for the citizenship application. Stuff like that - photos, invites, joint bills - would be the kinds of evidence they mostly look at. Pretty normal, reasonable, everyday stuff really.

It’s a new provision so it’s not possible to say definitively what the impact will be. You can’t predict with 100% certainty what a court will decide. But you can say what the head of the commission said, which I quoted above, that the courts will have to have reference to existing law and context in interpreting the amendment when it gets to them.

I suppose durable relationships don’t have to mean romantic relationships and could include siblings, parents and kids etc.

Nobody should vote for something they don’t understand and the people proposing cannot explain the ramifications of.


The powers that be want it to be opaque

The likes of David Quinn and John McGurk are constantly out in the media bemoaning the fact that dual income families are the norm nowadays, wanting a return to a time where a woman wore an apron for the day and baked bread.

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This is the key part. I would not vote for something where the impact cannot be explained to me.

i would not object to be a house husband


Ehh, lots of women actually like staying at home raising their family. The necessity for two parents to punch a clock 80 hours a week and more just to afford a regular living standard is not some sort of amazing achievement of modern life you seem to think it is


There’s also something tragic in the fact most families need both parents to work these days and kids are shipped off to day care centres for 8/9 hours.

Me too hon xoxoxo

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i’m not saying it is, but should the provision in the Constitution only recognise the role of women, or should both parents not be recognised?

Marriage doesn’t have to mean a romantic relationship.

Sure this forum is proof of that.

@StoneCold i supppse

Calm down @Enrique


Have you ever, for example, voted for a politician?

The material on the referendum commission website does a pretty good job of explaining the proposals I think. It should arrive through your letterbox soon enough too. It’s independent, it doesn’t advocate what direction you should vote. Have a read of it and make up your mind then.

I’m ok with the constitution as it is

I’m not disagreeing, but there is also something tragic in expecting a woman to do the brunt of the childminding and domestic duties in this day and age

The funny thing about the wording in the constitution about women’s place in the home is that it was obviously meant to be anti-women but the way things have evolved over time it has ended up being more anti-men.