Referendum 2024

I’m with @Rocko, it it was proposed to insert this into the Constitution tomorrow, the country would be a laughing stock

I’ve read it. It doesn’t explain the full implications because as you admit, nobody knows.

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I’m sure you are at with Rocko. Wimmin giving birth and then wanting to stay home to raise their kids and being given some economic protections for doing so isn’t some horrible laughable objective but that’s just me.

What is a woman?

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Why should the constitution be the arbiter of what a family is?

That’s impossible to define

The great eternal question that has vexed society for thousands of years.

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All capitalists become socialists when it benefits them

No difference to most other times you vote really.

Many women don’t want to stay at home these days mate, or don’t want to be compelled to do so.

If it were to be proposed that women were to be given say a living wage (“economic protections”) weekly to stay at home and mind the kids until they turn 18, I’d love to see what the reaction would be.

I’m a woman… So is my mate Brian.

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Is the constitution forcing women to stay at home now? That’s strange alright

Anyway, snark aside, why are they changing the wording - is it just because it is outdated language in modern life? Which it probably is. What is the intention behind and consequences of the change?

Our politicians can’t define what a woman is but are gunning to change the constitution around what a woman’s role in society is, or isn’t.


Good for her.

But it’s not is it?

So a total straw man

Again I’ll ask the question of why they didn’t just replace woman with guardian or parent

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Stats say otherwise.

They should not be compelled to stay at home either.

Tax individualisation is behind this referendum and it was introduced in its hybrid form to force women to work outside the home.


“I don’t like him so he’s wrong”

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“A complete failure”

Helped found and direct policies of the party that changed the course of Irish politics in the 1990s and into the 1990s

AG and then Minister for Justice

Vocal member of the Seanad who has helped influence key debates

Again though, nothing to do with this here, just more lads projecting.

It is odd how demented he sends lads.

I don’t like him and he’s wrong.

How are they compelled to?