Referendum 2024

Damage limitation for Meehole on scare Byrne now

Just heard this morning that this is on Friday. I’d imagine the turnout for this will be pathetic seeing as it has not come up in a single REAL LIFE conversation I’ve had. I doubt I’ll vote as I haven’t read up on it too much but can anyone briefly explain what problems the referendum is trying to solve?

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That’s a real rambling incoherent article.

He seems to be simultaneously arguing there will be impacts but there won’t be impacts.

He’s tied himself up in knots listing all the impacts and then saying in the next paragraph that there will be no meaningful impacts on single parents. And the only reason he can make those two arguments in consecutive paragraphs is it suits him.

Who wrote the article? It doesn’t say.


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No, he’s not. He’s arguing that Ministers saying the amendment will have no serious consequences are incorrect or mistaken and states why.

Then, separately, he is saying no one has been able to identify how the amendment will improve single parent families specifically.

It’s only incoherent if you don’t understand it or you’re misrepresenting it.


He’s saying that nobody can articulate the effect the amendments will have and have hidden legal advice and so it seems silly to vote in favour of something so uncertain.


His rationale that the amendment will only have certain consequences that suit his argument is nonsense.

Either the definition of family extends rights beyond today or it doesn’t. He’s arguing the two sides of it because he’s trying not to admit he just isn’t comfortable with a broader definition of the family.

Let’s see the intergovernmental files re outcomes then if everything is hunky dory.

I’m failing to see the need for the family referendum to be honest. Why can’t people just get married, or should we maybe bring back civil partnerships?


There should be some formality required to enter into a “durable relationship” and a requirement of exclusivity so that one cannot be in more than one at a time or in one and married.

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Is there a limit on how many durable relationships someone can have? Like what is one of them smelly, dirty foreign Mormans comes over and says he’s in a “durable relationship” with 6 women?

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You don’t think there is any case for anything being considered a family outside of marriage?

A single parent with a child isn’t a family?

I can’t say I’ve seen much mention of single parent families among all the scaremongering about immigrants arriving with multiple wives and other concerns about the “durable relationship” phrase.


So your “people should just get married” to be a family argument doesn’t really hold up.

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The more I read or hear about this referendum the more I think
It should have been an absolute slam dunk, it’s a poor reflection of the Yes side (everybody except the church and religious headbangers) that it looks to be going to the wire, the nosebleed for the government is strong, it’s probably not helping to have the parties united in support

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Care referendum now 8/13 to be rejected, 6/5 to pass

Family one 5/6 to pass, 5/6 to be rejected.

I think it’ll be an interesting gauge of things. There seems to be a big groundswell of opinion in agreement with what would be called ‘the awkward squad’ on tfk. That general kind of ‘anti-woke’ ‘im sick of all this shite’ world outlook that started to build during covid. Seems that might be coming together on this issue to give the establishment a kick in the hole.
I’d like to see both sides get a kick in the hole maybe with a score draw.


Can we get a poll/list of which posters are on what side here so I can make up my mind?

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He was treated very differently to everyone else wasn’t he.