Referendum 2024

You kind of knew over the last couple of weeks.

During the last couple of referendums there was almost daily opinion polls that strengthened the government’s and the establishment’s viewpoint.

They hardly ran one over the last few weeks, privately they must have known what was coming.

They were called out for their previous saturated agenda pushing well in advance of this one, they had to resort to Mehole and Leaky begging for a Yes vote on social media while they were at the booth.

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Hard agree

I forgot to tag @glasagusban

Did you vote for a finish?



McDowell wants back in the Dail and he’s not hiding who he’s allying with.

Politics is so predictable the world over.

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The world is in a very bad place.

Major McDowell used the referendums for his own gain
He’s a wily old sort

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“It’s the grift and the disinformation and the lies on the INTERNET, stupid”.

The echo chamber gript and Niall Boylan twitter polls didnt even have it as this much of a pummelling. :rofl:

You’re shorter than I imagined.

Democracy is grand as long as the result goes the way of the establishment.


It looks like the yes crowd were too consumed with tik toks and insta snaps saying they were gonna vote yes and then forgot to actually vote.


The lads who spend their lives on Twitter and the internet going mad about the effect of Twitter and the internet on the hoi polloi


A clear warning for @Bandage to get rid of the ponytail.

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I think lessons have been learned

REFERENDUM 2024: If we win and it looks like we will, it is a win for mothers, motherhood, women and families. It is a win for truth, realism and ordinary people. It is a bloody nose for a government that is power-drunk and soulless; a craven opposition and a corrupt NGO industrial complex that serves itself and the elites to the detriment of the people who fund it. We were ignored by national media but we went local and we went global. Our message is powerful and it resonates locally across the country and globally. The world is watching. Ireland is a testing ground for unhinged hard-left policy and law and the government expected a slam dunk with this one. They misled the public, they misled the most vulnerable and that is especially unforgivable. They lied to carers of disabled ( mothers, women ) and to single parents ( mothers ) who this same state used to incarcerate. They exploited their trauma and emotionally manipulated them. They tried to gaslight the nation. Well, the country is awake and it’s not working anymore. The veil has lifted. And it’s not pretty is it. They will do and say anything to force what they call progress/inclusivity/ but is really the cold lizard heart of neoliberalism mixed with gender ideology, onto the people. And the people are saying No. Enough.


People seem to have an obsession with interfering with other peoples lives.

What ever happened to live and let live.

Referendums are as radical as the Irish electorate get. It’ll be the same old shtick when the general election comes round