Referendum 2024

Polls suggest 2 out of 3 didn’t vote

She was nominated to the Seanad after one year as a county councillor. She’s representative of something alright, but it’s not the general calibre of our politicians

On the other hand… maybe so :man_shrugging:t2:


It’s highly likely that you’ll ever see me as wound up as I was for this referendum ever again

Seems the No camp are incapable of any non-sneering responses.

A big setback for Soros tonight.



[quote=“Bandage, post:996, topic:38632, full:true”]
Ireland feels a cold place tonight for those of us whose families aren’t based on marriage.

cc @Tassotti
[/quote]k and

Im grand. I got a fill of oil during the week and have the fire blazing

beyonce dancing GIF

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Paddy looks very silly over this utter shambles.

Al Jazerra say Ireland has a very backwards view towards women


McDowell is about to be catapulted to world domination.

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Poor @bandage got the brunt of a day listening to gobshites trying to make excuses for the referendum being rejected.
There was a woman on the radio early this morning who was a prominent yes campaigner… when asked about her opinion on the likely possibly of a no vote in the family referendum she said that people who voted no clearly didn’t understand what they voted for and how Ireland would be seen as a backward country internationally …
The arrogance and audacity of some people absolutely astounds me.


I think people well understood what they were voting for which makes it even more chilling.

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A yes/yes voter coming around the corner


I think a lot of people, possibly a majority, didn’t vote on the actual issues at all and the Family referendum was swept up in people voting against the Care referendum.

The Government clearly made a fuck of the campaign and a fuck of the process leading to the wording and putting Thomas Byrne out was a disaster but to see people in areas with high proportions of non-married families voting against their own interests in the Family referendum doesn’t say much for the knowledge of these voters.

The extent to which a highly motivated online cohort control the debate with slogans is very worrying for political discourse on general.

Were the Marriage Referendum or the 8th Amendment referendum being held this year I’d wager there would have been a serious chance they’d have been defeated because of how of the online propaganda dynamic has gone.

Neither do I think the Yes No people who made actual reasonable arguments against the Care referendum (but who reminded me of the Australian Republic campaigners who called for a No vote when it was put to a referendum because the pure form of Republic they demanded wasn’t on the ballot) should persuade themselves their arguments made much difference.

It was a rah rah rah fuck them vote and little else.

I’ve long said that a lot of the most vocal people in political discourse - which is rapidly moving online - have the least real interest in actual issues and I see no reason to change my mind.


A lot of yos yos voters were in twickers

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That’s bollocks…you know and I know it was the term durable relationship that was the major issue here… rodderick o Gorman on radio one on Wednesday saying it was for the next government to define the meaning of durable was the final nail in the coffin .


People joke about this but the fact that any sort of even mildly progressive or non-reactionary policy position now gets memed as being a narrow interest of the rugby supporting section of society only is a demonstration of how effective the exact same lowest common denominator tactics the US and UK far right have successfully run with also work in the exact same way in Ireland.

In the US it’s all “Wall Street”, “coastal elites”, “anti-woke” gibberish, in the UK it’s “liberal remoaners”, “Islington dinner parties”, shite like this.

We like to fool ourselves as a society that we are different from the US and UK, that we’re smarter than them. But we aren’t, the same lowest common denominator tactics have just had less time to work.

Those tactics are pushed by some of the wealthiest, most morally bankrupt shysters known to man, against the very people who might benefit - ordinary people.

That’s really the essence of what fascism is about - real privileged elites acting on behalf of privileged elites and against ordinary people, using lowest common denominator propaganda to twist reality to get ordinary people to believe they’re acting in their interests, when the real reality is the exact opposite.

Disabled people won no rights or even symbolic recognition today. And they won’t be back on the ballot, just like the Australian Republic wasn’t back on the ballot.


The people have spoken.

A humiliation for the Dublin Bay South elites. The dinner parties in Shanahan’s on the Green will be muted this week.

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Controversy seems to have followed the greens around. The fact they couldnt even win in the leafy suburbs of Dublin Rathdown and Dublin South Eamon Ryan and Catherine Martin constituencies doesnt bode well for their reelection prospects. Dublin West was right at national average with resounding 67% no and alarm bells will be ringing for Roderick O Gorman. I would say there is not a snowballs chance in hell he gets reelected next time and the country will be a lot better place as a result.

Simon Harris was conspicuous by his absence during this election. He is playing the long game and eyeing up the leadership position. Leave McEntee flounder along with Varadkar. Usually he would be one of their go to guys in those TV debates. Too smart to be embroiled in those.

FF have no one. Martin is weak and his personal attacks in the tv debates showed a nasty streak. He was happy to throw lads like Cowen and Calleary under the bus when it suited him but other non FF co govt TDs have made far more egregious errors of judgement and he has backed them in a desperate attempt to cling to power. They can almost act with impunity. Calleary might be best man to give FF some ounce of credibility going forward.