Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

I didn’t include you in that, you are posting about opening things up at some stage, I just thought your comment about it being a cod was strange. There’s a cohort of people who haven’t been affected too badly by this at all and I would include myself in that although I haven’t seen any member of my family since February but lots of people in that boat. There’s a huge amount of people that have been completely fucked by this lockdown, people have lost their businesses, people have lost their jobs, people have had medical treatment and operations cancelled, people are in terrible domestic situations and other bad situations. They should be considered as well by the I’m alright Jack so lock it down until there’s a vaccine crowd.


With fear or Covid 19?

Driving with a disqualified license, no insurance, caught a couple of days in a row,

What was he jailed for exactly?



I think the article is pretty clear on why he was jailed but sure make up your own mind. Anyway, it’s hardly the biggest issue, the question is whether the measures taken are justified, and whether they make any difference in the longer term.

Are you remotely teaching your students you useless cunt?

Those 15 mile runs on the tax payers clock arent on.

It might be that in Dublin alright.

I’ll tell you what’s a cod. Waiting on a miracle vaccine.


Tis closer to 10.3% in Dublin.

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pie in the sky

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What’s the death rate mate?

@anon7035031 I think we had to do what we did as our health service is such a shit show that they would have been completely overwhelmed very early. Capacity has been increased now and hopefully we will be in a better place testing wise by May 4th. People talking about preventing a second wave are a bit naive imo. We either keep everyone locked into their houses until a vaccine is found or else people will continue to get infected by this cunt of a thing and unfortunately a small percentage of those people will die. I don’t see an option C. The only thing we can do is everything we can to protect the most vunerable from getting it, everyone else will need to try to get back to something approaching normality but with things such as social distancing where possible and the wearing of masks to mitigate some of the spread.


Well isn’t the whole point to get r nought below 1 with measures and get community transmissions down to close to zero. Then you quarantine all travel related transmissions asap. Trace and isolate. As confidence builds, you reopen.

We don’t have the ICU capacity to just let it run its course

That’s how a second wave is avoided and has been avoided. Some first waves were avoided this way.

I’m the Simpleton, eh?

Just look after your own in Cali you flute.

Is that really called for?
I work every day, it’s a lot easier to be in the classroom,I’ve actually rarely been as busy in my whole life between work and home


Keep everyone locked into their houses until something that will probably never happen happens. Good plan, guys.


Who’s plan is that?

Any of ye just look forward to going to bed at night just to break the monotony of the thing?


R0 has several variables that influence it, it can be driven down to zero temporarily by locking down completely, but with 95% of the population uninfected, it will rise again as soon as you open up somewhat. That’s the whole issue here, all the measures do is slow the rate of transmission.

Whether it takes 3 months, a year, or a decade to reach herd immunity, that’s the only way the virus will disappear. That’s if it hasn’t mutated at some point and we are dealing with a whole new strain.

@Horsebox posting out of his skin here. Tremendous stuff.

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