Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

I’m sorry for your loss. It’s never easy to lose someone you are close to. Her passing is justifying the lockdown even more for you, but that is simply not correct.

Waiting for this virus to die off, or whatever the lockdown is supposed to achieve, will fail. That’s not how virology works. If there’s even a single carrier of the coronavirus remaining at the end of the lockdown, then the whole thing simply starts over. That person transmits the virus to 2-3 people, those people transmit the virus to 2-3 other people, and the exponential growth curve begins again. Lockdowns don’t kill off the virus. They just reset the clock.

If you haven’t watched the interview with Prof. Johan Giesecke that @Tim_Riggins posted over the weekend, I urge you to.


Its alarming how naive some lads are.

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@Horsebox. Agreed, strict measures were appropriate when we didn’t know what would happen. Now we know with some level of confidence that 95% have no or mild symptoms, and that this is a deadly disease for the old, the obese and those with some underlying conditions. Armed with that knowledge, it is obvious how to move forward.


The measures slow r0 sp to can put in place correct tracing measures, protect ICU capacity etc and give time to formulate a strategy to reopen safely.

The alternative is to just open up and deal with that shitshow?

By the way our deaths are still doubling every week. We’re not a week in and we’ve gone from 400 to 730

To deny that this won’t have a longer term impact at this point is mental.

Whilst employment will be the key initial hit and many will struggle for new jobs (even though there will be demand in certain industries), the longer term hit is to come. What happens to the local supplier who sold their produce to them? What happens when they don’t need their IT software anymore?What happens when they don’t need their accountant, lawyer or tax advisor on an ongoing basis? Who covers the interest and capital that is defaulted one? How does that impact on the real estate market?

Pubs, hotels and airlines are not insignificant industries, they are enormous in fact, and will hit other industries hard.

People might have cash now, but they will be quick to stop spending once it’s clear the impact of these closures on their own industry.

I was confident of a quick comeback at the start, but not as much now. Hopefully we get some more ingenuity from the private sector and we will have the rapid diagnostics there to open these back up fully.


Not yours but it’s been posted here a few times. Not all of my posts are about you, kid.

Its not natural to force people to live like this. Young people are espicially getting shafted once again, you wouldn’t expect fellas just seeing out their days posting on here to understand it but the mood in general is definitely shifting to a return to normality and quick. Turns out life is for living, who would have thunk it


We were completely “opened up” from January to mid March, so the virus spread without restriction, and tragically to nursing homes and the old and vulnerable in general. The shit show projected for the health care system never materialized, because the disease is not very serious for the great majority of people who get infected. We got that wrong just like we got most things wrong.

Nobody is saying open back up completely, open back up in a step wise manner. But the economy needs to get moving again, the alternative is worse than you seem to be able to imagine.


These guys are so sound and I expect they will all volunteer at their local food banks to feed the masses who were forced out of work and can’t pay their rent

I’m asking you by who? I know it’s not me.

The economy will be opened up slowly. I don’t know what people are arguing for here

They are arguing against those who think a lockdown will magically make the virus disappear. If you look around the world you can see the fallacy in that thinking. Singapore who did a great job suppressing the virus have just announces a lockdown to June 1.

Venting, if not here then where the fuck

I haven’t seen that opinion on here.

It looks like a fabricated argument to me, with the purpose of justifying an open it up to fuck opinion

@labane1917 only argues against fabricated arguments.

I’m just saying that’s the way it’s gone. Theres only so much gardening, DIY, exercise one can do for the day. Believe you me if there is any poster around here that realises life is for living, its me


You hold that opinion, you have stated you can prevent a second wave via extending a lockdown.

You can’t, you can simply slow the spread and delay the inevitable second wave. If the lockdown goes on too long, people in western countries will just start to ignore it. It’s actually happening already, look at the rioting in Paris today and the protests in some US states.

We don’t live in totalitarian regimes, at least not yet.

You might want to retire this one as well the silly 200 one because it isn’t even accurate on reported figures, let alone actual which have been posted here.

It was 406 it is 730 now, that’s not doubling. In any event, these are the actuals up until today, that’s quite the curve

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Just fuck off, mate.