Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

We’re at 730 now, it was 406 on april 14th. We’re as good as close to doubling as matters.

You should stay off these threads, you hoof footed simpleton.

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That was a general comment bud, not directed at you or anyone in particular. There is no question in mind though that a certain swathe of people are loving this lockdown, the curtain twitchers and finger pointers of the country are in their element here. Bellyfeelers, I wonder sometimes is the actual virus just a handy cover for a good number of them to just look down on others as is their want


With over double the population.

With it still being unclear on how exactly countries are recording deaths. Sweden are like ourselves being relatively thorough in looking at nursing homes, unlike the U.K. It is not

And I’m sorry, but from a public health and overall societal perspective that is not close to the catastrophe that was suggested. We were talking about 85,000 deaths here, do the sums on Sweden.

Still waiting on catastrophe for them, it’s always 2 weeks away.


In the US now the virus has gotten into meat processing plants and food processing plants, the places are riddled. That’s obviously what we want to happen here, yeah. Nothing would help the economy more than that happening here.

Absolutely no point trying to explain anything to him mate.

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You’re all over the shop, copying & pasting any old shite you can find online with another pointless idea.
You know better than the Health Professionals over here of course.

Open up from the mild lockdown.
Singapore know what they’re doing supposedly after Sars and now they’re on lockdown until June.

Thanks for repeating what I posted.

That’s not “as good”, that isn’t doubling. That is very important when looking at this. Please go and look at the rate that we doubled. Has it increased or decreased in the last couple of weeks? Please also apply the real data above to that.

You’ve retired the 200 “cod” so let’s retire this other metric you’ve been clinging to.

Mate, you can play the Sweden card over & over again but it’s irrelevant to Ireland.

We have an open border with the UK who don’t particularly seem on top of the brief.

When the time is right and plans are in place we will go at living again.

The health professionals who took absolutely zero measures to prevent infection in nursing homes?

No offence but your words here are basically psychopathic. Only a psychopath would class what has happened so far as “not a catastrophe”. And that’s what has happened with restrictions or with lockdown. You are saying “bring on a bigger catastrophe”.

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You’re a great man for all the answers once the shit has hit the fan.

Sweden has rightly fucked up and there’s no way around it.

Go back and read page 1 of the original thread mate.

That’s the key issue here.

The lads are either sick of their families or losing money hand over fist. If either are true I’m truly sorry for them.

It would be interesting to see how many of these “ Open it Up Brigade “ are actually out of work.

Do you want a medal for copying & pasting articles from websites?

Now now, you’re the one who mentioned “1,000 more deaths” without putting context on it.

Given you are mentioning the U.K. and suggesting that the Swedes might be on the ball on this?

They are already open and have been since the start.

No it isn’t.

Work out the excess deaths there and come back to us.

The Swedes are very much not on the ball, their response has been a disgrace.

What they do have is a high level of conformity throughout the population and a high level of education throughout their population, as well the fact that 40% of households in Sweden are single person households. These factors mitigate the awful approach of their government, certainly more than would be the case in other countries.