Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

You are dealing with people that actually have close to zero cognitive ability, and less common sense.

The original projections were the UK to have 500,000 deaths and the US 2.2 million. This was based on the mortality rate of 3.4% claimed by the idiots in the WHO. Unless we took drastic measures we were told, we would see these numbers of deaths. Well, they were wrong, the mortality rate is more like 0.1-0.2%, the same as an average seasonal flu.

The difference is the disease is very aggressive in the subset of people that develop serious illness. Armed with this knowledge, it is obvious what needs to be done, but the assortment of loons and simpletons can’t see it.

Nor is there any point trying to explain it to them, sadly.


Are many posters here out of work? It’s mostly lower paid retail workers and the like I’d say. Hard to see someone admit to that here or they’d get lampooned relentlessly for ‘driving a forklift’ or the likes.

730 people dying with many more to come is a catastrophe in any person’s language.

But you’d need basic human empathy to understand that.

They are open. Why? Because they’re part of the food industry, which is an essential service. It seems a lot here want them to close, though. Because that’s the entirely logical upshot of relaxing restrictions when it isn’t safe to do so.

So, I assume that those who are berating others for suggesting there might have been a better way of dealing with this, or a better way going froward than lockdowns, are now willing to say that Stefan Lofven, the PM of Sweden, is a mass murderer responsible for 1,765 deaths in his country?

…or will the fact that he is a Social Democrat cloud their thinking?

I am mate, on 350 a week. I gave all the details of the covid payment sheme weeks ago on some thread


Good few of people in managerial roles in my workplace are going on 32 hour week for 3 months at least. For those not in managerial roles like myself there is a salary cut off point where basically you will not see any change if you are below the cut off and if you are above then you will work 20% less hours and your salary will be reduced by a max of 10% but the end figure will not go below the cutoff point…

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The biggest risk now is that there are elements lined up at the extreme on each side ready to pounce on any slip as governments have to navigate a high wire between public health and economy.

If supermarkets can open with social distancing and appropriate safeguards other shops and stores can too, offices can, factories can and take it from there gradually opening back up.

The lockdown was needed to put in place the infrastructure, testing etc.

We’ll be wearing masks, social distancing and be tracked by an app until a vaccine. But life can continue within those guide rails.


Of course they can but lads can’t be patient or in general quit the selfish man acts.

It’s been signposted like every step along the way. People have chosen to ignore the sign posts. Contain, mitigate, lockdown, reopen.

Opening up too quickly and having to close down again would be far more damaging than waiting to open up safely and confidently.

Nobody has addressed the impact of getting it wrong. It would be disastrous from a public health and economic perspective.

A lot of farmers posting on here, swanning around every day on the tractor, the restrictions don’t matter a fuck to them, it doesn’t really affect them. They don’t understand the social and economic impact or have any knowledge of the virus

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Will we be all set for the Christmas lads or will I have to put a mask and a gown on the Turkey before I throw it I the oven?

there will be no Christmas this year the way the Irish government are going on

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Christmas will be cancelled, Oliver Cromwell laughing his hole off in his grave

Christmas will be the least of their worries in 7 months time

The whole topic of this thread is that we, or rather our governments, have gotten this completely wrong, and that the result will be disastrous from a public health and economic perspective.

Obviously you don’t believe this is possible, but there are people who do. It doesn’t make them psychopaths, it means they have some understanding of what a complete economic collapse might look like.

The social upheavel will be off the charts by then, families will be torn apart too

Turkey? We’ll be ating sawdust.

Or beans on chips


if they’re lucky

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