Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

You say governments got it disastrously wrong when they didn’t shut down early enough and now you tell us they should open up at the peak.

That’s like telling us that the Dublin manager was wrong to pick Eoghan O’Gara instead of Con O’Callaghan for the first round of the championship, and then telling us that O’Gara should be picked ahead of O’Callaghan for the All-Ireland final.

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A complete economic collapse is impossible considering essential services are still going. Many multinationals are still operating. Money is still circulating. Taxes are still being paid. Banks still have capital.

There will be economic impact, no doubt about it.but it won’t be an economic collapse.

It looks to me like people are putting forward this “argument” to justify an opinion about “acceptable” deaths.

Greed, basically

When a person who is naive to a virus comes in contact with the virus, they become infected. The virus replicates. While it’s replicating, and before the immune system has had a chance to deal with it, the virus gets passed on. That’s how virus have always worked and will always work. The only solution is herd immunity.


Has immunity been clinically proven?

It’s greedy now to want to work and earn a living?


Its greedy to want to prematurely open pubs for example when it isn’t safe from a public health perspective to do so. It’s probably the one industry where social distancing absolutely cannot be maintained

Are you gonna pay that wholes sectors bills while they are on 203 a week?

where’s all this tax revenue going to come from when the economy is in tatters? the magic money tree?


Are you gonna pay the health care costs if ICU’s get overrun?

The tax from the entire hospitality sector might help in that regard, no?

No but if you open up the hospitality sector the chances of it happening are much higher.

Are pub jobs more important than peoples lives?

Uncle Esteban will be forking out by the sounds of things

There you go with the psychopath argument, you should really change your name to Sidney as it’s not in use currently.

Anyone saying a complete economic collapse is “impossible” simply cannot be taken seriously, sorry. The thing about economic collapses is no one predicts them, or can predict them, in terms of timing. In fact the surprise factor itself is one of the reasons for collapse.

But you’re predicting one :joy:

The economy is still ticking along.

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The hundreds of thousands of people in pubs, hotels, tourism, entertainment, their suppliers and subsidary industries etc etc will save more live paying their taxes than contributing to an ever greater drain on resources that should be going to the Health services, then they would claiming social welfare when they don’t need to be


Ask the copy & paste king.

I’m not. I’m raising it as a possibility, while you are saying it’s impossible.

Can you not see the difference?

If governments and central banks get this wrong, an economic collapse is highly likely. Go back and study the lead up to the 2008/9 financial crisis, or better yet the great Depression. People like yourself had great confidence in governments getting it right then as well.

We’re not a week into what?

From 400 deaths