Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

That’s a fairly arbitrary starting point.

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People who don’t want to be called psycchopaths shouldn’t utter psychopathic views. It’s quite fair to call somebody a psychopath if they consistently utter psychopathic views.

Economic collapse is certainly possible if things are handled in the wrong way. It isn’t going to be the surprise factor that causes economic collapse here, because there isn’t any. It’ll be impotence and refusal to confront serious problems with serious thinking that causes it if it happens.

Par for the course sadly.

It’s out of context. Forget it

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Has immunity been clinically proven?


Call a spade a spade, it’s an industry we could do without in its former glory.
Towns with tiny populations with 20 plus pubs.

Pubs nowadays have moved on in general, food sales making their viable rather than alcohol sales.

If for example we were to lose 35% of the Pubs it wouldn’t be a massive hit. Other venues would pick up the slack easily.

Vast majority of people working in the Industry are well capable of getting other work in the Hospitality sector.

People will adjust and diversify. It’s in our nature.

Pubs & publicans won’t be high up in my lists of businesses I feel sorry for if they take a hit.

We know most people develop antibodies and recover. It may be that a small number of people develop very weak immunity and can be reinfected.

If we don’t naturally develop immunity to SARS-Cov-2, then a vaccine will never work either. Per your logic we will forever be in lockdown.


How would these pubs, hotels and clubs survive when their business will be down to practically zero anyway?

This is not a choice between the current situation and the “normal” situation. It’s a choice between the current situation where public health is being protected versus a situation where the virus runs like wildfire through a petrified population and nobody is going to pubs and clubs anyway.

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Read back at what you responded to and what you said or better still leave this thread to the grown ups, ta

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So no, it hasn’t.

How is that my logic pal? You’re having an argument noone is making

@anon78624367, this is a factual statement. Put differences of opinion aside and take on board what is being said. Our immune systems are designed to fight and develop resistance to viruses. As an example, people who survived smallpox developed life-long immunity against the disease. Locking yourself in a house will stop you transmitting a disease, but it will not build immunity. Immunity is built through exposure.

Stop watching Game of Thrones and deal with facts. There is no wildfire, much as some lads would appear to wish their was. The situation is becoming more managable, most deaths now are being contained to Nursing homes, concentrate on that issue if you really want to highlight how much you care rather than engage in hyperbole. No reason whatsoever to put hundreds of thousands of people on the street because they were forced out of work and couldn’t pay their rent.


I understand that mate. This is a novel virus, to both our bodies and the scientific community. Immunity hasn’t been clinically proven and there is at least anecdotal evidence of people testing positive after having it and testing negative.

A friend works in a large accountancy practice. They’ve spent the last months applying for extensions on tax payments for their clients as most can’t make them. Between that, lower income taxes, lower vat receipts, lower fuel taxes etc etc
I’d imagine the tax take is in tatters


It’s not a “wildfire” now because we’re in lockdown. We have people saying this isn’t serious based on rates of infection and death in lockdown, and telling us to “open it up ta fuck” based on rates of infection and death in lockdown. It’s insane.

I can’t understand it.

It is your argument, you just don’t realize you’re making it.

You don’t believe we should relax the lockdown unless the danger of people dying from COVID-19 has been eliminated. That can never be done, no more than eliminating deaths from the flu. You can mitigate the impact by protecting the vulnerable and taking precautions to avoid getting infected or infecting others, but short of a complete lockdown where nobody goes outside at all, you cannot stop infections happening.

The only logical thing to do is put measures in place to protect the vulnerable, and open the economy back up with social distancing guidelines. Everything else is kicking the can down the road, or pissing in the wind, whichever analogy you prefer.

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Pubs that close because of this were more than likely threading water beforehand.

The Country is over saturated in them too but lads don’t want to discuss that either.

You haven’t been reading my posts