Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread


What would you suggest doing if it is demonstrated we don’t develop immunity?

It’s like telling somebody to stop chemotherapy treatment half of the way through the course.

There’s a reason we’re told to complete courses of antibiotics, not stop when you start to feel a bit better.

You cross that bridge if and when you come to it, you don’t hasten the onset of a massive problem when you don’t have to.

Open up as safely as possible, no mass gatherings, with large scale test/trace/isolate with flexibility to enforce stricter measures as and when needed according to a yet to be defined ICU metric.

Prove immunity is possible before going for herd immunity would be the first thing anyway.

Completely unsustainable.

The mistake you and others are making is assuming there would be holocaust levels of deaths if lockdowns had not been implemented. There is a sum total of zero evidence of this, and you have to look no further than Sweden for evidence. If this disease were as deadly as the WHO were saying, there would be a few million dead already, as there was no effort to contain the virus up to mid March in most countries. By a conservative estimate at least 50 million people were infected globally by mid March (the data from Santa Clara and LA actually suggest 50 million infected in North America and Europe alone).

The way you respond to a pandemic that has a mortality rate of 0.1-0.2% is not the same as one with a mortality rate of 3-5%.


Lombardy, France, Spain, London, New York, Belgium aren’t evidence no?

There have been 170k deaths globally, this despite extreme measures.

Estimates, Sweden…

Italy showed this thing for what it was. You were shouting that China were lying too for a while.

Estimates work both ways, nobody knows how many are dead anywhere.

Evidence that if you let a virus run rampant through a vulnerable population packed into cities, you are going to see a lot of deaths.

But, but, but…

So that’s evidence against your thesis. 10k people died yesterday around the world. 10k people in one day. With measures. That’s covid 19 related deaths. That’s pretty horrific

Leo is going to be on Prime Tme in a few minutes

I’d say Leo will look straight down the camera a few times

Hopefully some small bit of positive news, anything at all

Irish defense forces could have to do a double tour of Golan heights and other conflict areas as no sign of repatriation happening anytime soon. The current 6 month tour ran from November.

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170k deaths worldwide off just over 2.5 million cases. That’s just the published figures. Both figures are undoubtedly much larger.

We’re told we require anywhere from 40% to 95% infection for herd immunity.

Lets’s say for argument’s sake that the real infection figure is ten times the published figures but there has still been the same amount of deaths. That would be 25 million infections and 170k deaths. 25 million is 2.5% of 1 billion. Divide that by 8 for the world’s population. That’s 0.3% of the world population having been infected so far - at a very generous guesstimate.

0.3 goes 133 times into 40 (which is probably much too low a figure for herd immunity).

170k multiplied by 133 = 22.6million deaths.

So with a worldwide herd immunity strategy, that is the sort of figure you’re looking at, at least, and it is a lot more than a Holocaust figure.

He should have showed up in scrubs and drove SF IRA lads buck ape.

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Thanks. So going bald headed for herd immunity wouldn’t be the wisest strategy

Savage maths from the back of a box of fags, mate.