Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

I fell more reassured having a medical man steering the ship in these troubled waters

Dr Leo and Dr Tony have done the state done outstanding service

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Ask Boris the Blade across the sea. :man_shrugging:

He seems calm tonight and dare I say it, cautiously optimistic.

Dont know is that the case really. Isn’t many small businesses can stomach 3 -6 months loss of trade without serious consequenves

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I have no idea. The WHO dont think so anyway it appears.

Miriam :joy:

Leo was saying how well we’ve done.

Miriam, but we even have a higher deaths per million than the USA (strong emphasis on USA)

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Leo bambozling Miriam with his knowledge and understanding of the crisis

Not sure what Miriam wants to happen?

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Last word for now. It’s not evidence against my thesis. My thesis is what should have been/should be done is put strong measures in place to protect the vulnerable, and encourage social distancing. It’s quite simple to understand really.

Miriam keeps asking him the same fucking questions In a different way.

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if people wash their hands regularly and cop on there will be no problem, this whole thing is overegged and people are driven demented with hysteria


You’re trying your best to whip up a frenzy alright mate.

I don’t think anyone takes you seriously though

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There hasn’t been a word about quinine, vitamin d, or hydroxychloroquine from either of them. Amateurs.


How has it been a disgrace? Because others went harder? Lots of Asian countries did not lock down nearly as severly as us - because they didn’t need to. They played the conditions, as have Sweden. Yet the Swedes are a disgrace?

Cos we got the BCG bro


Tassotti is one of the most respected and highly decorated posters on the internet.


There’s been no lock down in Sweden or South Korea and their numbers are some of the best of the world. We have some of the worst in the world and lads think this lock down craic is working.

Clares finest son and the greatest ever poster in the history of the site.

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He’s not gonna shag you mate.

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A lockdown where people who are essential like those working in supermarkets are required to work, while being exposed to thousands of people daily many of whom are infected.


It’s a Mickey Mouse lock down. Sure dhl are flat out delivering stuff. Probably delivering the virus into peoples houses. The whole thing is a racket. The lock down will cost more lives in the long term than it saves. The experts are saying it’s a waste of time but yet here we are in week six I think

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