Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

No mate. The experts are all on TFK, and they say we lock down until we are 100% certain that the virus is gone. Kaput. Dead.


It’s not a lockdown. It’s a half arsed attempt. A lockdown is what they have in Spain and Italy.

It’s a farce here in the capital too. I threw my hat at it a few days ago. I’m out and about a few times a day and no one says nothing to me. The whole thing is a cod

:sweat_smile: Yeah, as long as you head outside to do one form of exercise a day, you won’t die of coronavirus. If you go for, say, two runs around the local park you’re a dead man.

A good few building sites getting going again. Only problem is materials. Get everyone back to work and the economy moving

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There’s plenty for doing on construction projects while the supply chain starts opening up. Spend some more time on designs, clash-detection, etc. Time better spent than sitting at home, farting about until Leo says it’s safe to go outside again.

Varadkar hasn’t a monkey’s. He’s a waffler


Jesus, do you remember his comments that time about the wind farm Trump was opposed to in Doonbeg? Embarrassing. The FF lads have his number. “Leo is not good off-script and does not deal with pressure or criticism because he has never got any, ever.”

No lockdown in dungiven either. We’ve all had the coronavirus and by fuck did the coronavirus regret it. The few that showed symptoms got rid of them by doing chin ups on the crossbar.

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Because of the troubles ye are a much tougher bred up north.

It wasn’t the troubles. It was playing Lavey in the championship.


Good night glen Shane :clap:

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I see Sweden has very similar figures to Ireland on a like for like basis.

A bit higher but not the end of days some were predicting.

the doom merchants and grief junkies won’t be happy


SuperMacs leading the charge to reopen Ireland.

Up Galway


It will be like that donut drive through place in Dublin that had to close down because of the crowds and resulted in police call outs every night.


McDowell on the money