Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

Have a good day tossi

Any business that can implement and maintain social distancing, like what the supermarkets and chemists are doing now, should be allowed reopen.


He just wants to go to his holiday home.


Same as myself. I still can’t get the bloody lawnmower working either. It’s incredibly frustrating at times.

Why does Michael McDowell want a Holocaust of Irish citizens?

Prime it

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Der Kaiser

I’d suggest also that many rural pubs could comfortably open up and maintaining social distancing wouldn’t be an issue

Got to love the Japanese

The number of daily confirmed cases nationwide was above 500 last week, whereas it has dipped to over 300 this week. More than two weeks have passed since Prime Minister Shinzo Abe declared a state of emergency covering seven prefectures ravaged by the virus. He extended the emergency declaration to the rest of the nation last week.

The prime minister has been requesting that citizens cut back human-to-human contact by 70 percent to 80 percent, but based on cellphone data collected at major business areas in metropolitan areas across the country that target has yet to be achieved.

Photos posted on social media showed people were still flocking to busy shopping streets in Kichijoji, in the suburbs of Tokyo, and Enoshima, in Kanagawa Prefecture, over the weekend.

To bolster countermeasures against the spread of the virus, Abe’s Cabinet may allow prefectural governors to take a tougher stance on some businesses, such as pachinko parlors, that have not complied with local governments’ requests to temporarily halt operations. Pachinko parlors, where many people tend to congregate in tight spaces, are considered to present a high-risk of transmission.

Under the coronavirus special measures law, prefectural governments can ask businesses to close and reveal the names of those that ignore their requests, essentially shaming them publicly. However, there are no other mechanisms that local governments can use to coerce businesses to shut their doors.

TV3 reporting from stradbally in Leix on the Electric Picnic, seems it is on in early September a few days after summer lock down ends .

It is. Thats some good investigative journalism.

Should be fine. Not many 80+ year olds with sever underlying medical conditions (e.g. pulmonary embolisms) are likely to attend.

I though the Rolling Stones were due to play this year?


Thanks for all the messages of support folks. Got transferred to Beaumont yesterday evening, so hopefully things might start to improve. That’s where she needed to be from the outset.


@Julio_Geordio what does prime it mean?

@ChairmanDan we’ve butted heads on plenty of occasions but I’m sorry to read about the difficulties you are going through. You are a saint of a man. If there is anything I can do let me know.

Press the rubber button on the front of it in a few times

It’s the lawnmower equivalent of letting the choke out.

You should always use your thumb to press the primer. Right after he extracts it from his hole.

It would need petrol in it for that to work.