Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

Maybe we should go back to the start here. Have you tried taking it out of the shed?

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I’ve put petrol into it and checked the oil. It isn’t even turning over really. Any ideas?

There’s a fella in Croom fixes them, but you might be as well buying a new one

Could it be an electric lawnmower? Have you tried turning it off and on again?

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No it’s petrol.


He’s closed sure.

You are a useless cunt of a man.

That’s what’s happens when you’ve had everything handed to you since a pup I suppose.

I have never had anything handed to me. I just have no interest in lawn mowers.

That’s what I’m thinking. There isn’t any Life in her at all. The mother is going to flip if the lawn isn’t right.

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It’s looks like everybody has thrown their hat at lock down and nobody really gives a fuck anymore. Complacency has well and truly set in.

Give them a scrub with a wire brush

Not two stroke?

Nail file works as well.

My neighbour has a lawnmover that’s tips around himself during the night and then parks up during the day. I wonder would he take on my lawn.

If it’s a robot lawnmower then it would need a good bit of work to get it setup to cut your lawn.

You’ll need to mark out the boundaries with the guide wire. The grass can’t be too tall either

What about a half cut bastard, since we’re on the subject?

The Insomnia Coffee Shop in Killester village is reopened for takeaway coffee with social distancing rules, hand sanitizer etc in place. I think a few of their stores nationwide have reopened. There appears to some distinction for reopening based on whether stores are company owned or franchises but some of them are back in business anyway. It wouldn’t be my cup of tea (coffee), but it was pleasant on my morning stroll to see a business back trading.

Have you moved from Grand Canal Dock? Killester village is a nice spot.