Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

Lovely Indian takeaway there…the beech comber is an odd boozer…

London is very busy today. Everyone has had enough. A 4000 bed emergency hospital in the excel and 30 lads in it. For fuck sake the whole thing is a massive cod


That why you are on an internet forum.


Even Brenda and Patricia from facebook have given up on it by this stage.

the people are not listening now at this stage, the social buy in is gone, they have had enough, Varadkar and Boris can stick their lockdown up their arse, what are they going to do? arrest everyone

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Edit Wrong thread

Boris’s plan was always herd immunity. That’s why he allowed Cheltenham go ahead.

Moved to the northside a year and a half ago. Didn’t seem right to raise a child in a city centre brothel.


He/she could have fallen asleep on the last bus home anytime and still end up outside the bedroom window, handy out

But the brothel would have been uncomfortable explaining in a few years alright

Lockdown me arse. Tourists everywhere and the roads busy.


You’re a wonderful father. Will he play a bit of rugby with the 'Tarf?

There’s a nice bit of traffic coming down Tavistock Square there.

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Loads of people out on Boris bikes. A lot if restaurants open doing takeaways

That’s great to hear. It’s because of its resilience that London City will survive and prosper in the face of adversity. You’d fear for shit holes like Dublin.

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Look, a bit if social distancing and good hygiene is all that is needed to keep a lid on this thing. There’s no need to be going stone ape and closing every shagging thing

4000 temporary beds in the excel and 30 lads in it. A total over reaction

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Exposure to viruses is not a big issue for the vast majority of people. It’s what our immune systems are for. I’ve an old relation who reckons we’re too clean nowadays. The ‘hygiene hypothesis’ backs up this argument. I’d say any of the lads here that grew up in the countryside or on farms have been exposed to far worse than coronavirus.


Two navy hospital ships deployed to New York and LA with 1,000 beds and 1,200 staff each. There’s 20 patients in the NY ship and 15 in LA. Most of the hospitals in the US are empty, nobody is going to a hospital any more they’d prefer to die at home than go to a hospital and catch the virus.

Our descendants will look back on this and ask WTF.


There’s going to be a serious inquiry into this shitshow