Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

It will take Gatwick airport 4 years to recover they reckon. How the fuck will Shannon, Cork and Knock make it

Dublin airport is done. I’ll be an old man by the time it’s as busy as it was last year

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I wonder. Most people seem happy enough to go along with the madness. They’re overcome with fear. The same lads would be out wearing the face off some moon pig in a niteclub in the middle of flu season.

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Shannon is a sitting duck I think. Although fuck all flys out of Cork so they could all go.

Dublin airport is a disaster anyway. Shannon is a national treasure.

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Dublin will survive. But at a vastly reduced rate

50000 dead in america

The new runway will be obsolete

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I love the bar in Shannon. A real throwback


There’ll be travellers camping on the new runway in Dublin.

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Sentenced to deletion

T1 has been a building site for about ten years. The queues are unreal.

Like everything in Dublin it’s built to the “fleece people first, worry about the rest later” mantra


It’s a large number alright, but you have to put it in some kind of context. Ireland has a higher death rate per capita than the US.

Deaths per million:
Belgium 576
Spain 482
Italy 430
France 341
UK 287
Sweden 213
Ireland 205
US 155
Germany 67

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Ireland where you can’t go a mile from your house has the same death rate as Sweden where they are still going to nightclubs.

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Compare New York per capita to dublin

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That has been debunked. Ireland have been including nursing home deaths in their totals whereas other countries have not

That isn’t a reliable source

A faceless person n Twitter?

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You can’t buy a loaf of bread without the guards asking where you are going what the fuck has happened to the country? I can go out wherever and when ever I want here in London. It’s a Mickey mouse attempt. The British have more respect for civil liberties

What this virus has really done is highlighted what a soft bunch of useless bastards the Irish have become. Happy to sit inside all day doing nothing while the country falls apart. It’s no wonder we’ve to fly in a bunch of polish to pick our fruit.

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