Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

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Why pick New York city? California has 40 million people and 1,534 deaths, 38 per million, significantly better than Germany. That includes two huge metro areas,. LA and SF Bay Area.

I think it’s mostly down to factors that caused such widespread rates of infection in the vulnerable population. Population density, public transport, age profile, etc.

This article would suggest that Danny Boy is full of it, and only the UK were not counting nursing home deaths.


Saw a front garden bbq in D4 there with lots of 20 somethings, right in front of where the Guards set up check points. Over a dozen there, very casual looking but it’s pretty obvious at this stage that people are getting fed up. Varadkar treating people like children isn’t enough. It’s time to publish reopening plans and tell people what to expect.


Environmental conditions, air quality, etc.

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Obesity and fitness levels another huge one I think. You’d see very few seriously obese people on the west coast, the Midwest and East coast is frightening.

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People are an awful size on the east coast

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Southampton, Bournemouth etc?

West Virginia is the worst I’ve seen. We painted gaffes there on a mission. Loads of properly obese, all couldn’t move in their homes. Big blocks of cheese and other food stamps deliveries around. Very depressing.

No. The Irish give more of a fuck about their elderly.

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Biloxi Mississipppi is a mecca for fatsos. They have mobility scooters to ferry them around. Deep south in general would have more than their share of obese and diabetic people.

Its a different level of fatness. The first time in America I couldn’t get my head around it. I saw people so fat I used to stare at them in shock. Men and women around 45 stone going around the place. How do you end up that way??

I’m very worried about the government’s latest uttering regarding compliance. Like a school teacher threatening to cancel PE on a Friday. The numbers are down, the curve has been flattened. Is it a power trip or something?


Harris, Varadkar and the Guards are loving it, they are loving the new powers they have, keeping the Irish people down and under house arrest. Time to rise up out of it lads

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little bollix, taking to people like children

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Hold the line lads.


Blueshirts will never pass on the opportunity to lecture and scold the great unwashed. They can’t help themselves.

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He’s actually hilarious. A preppy little wanker talking down to all of us, as if we’re in playschool or something. “Our colouring in has been fantastic but we can’t go outside the lines and leave a mark on the table. We’re all in this together. Well done everybody!”


is the mood changing in Ireland? Its only an illusion of a lockdown here now, people can only stick it for four or five weeks and then you loose the public