Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

its time to move now towards mass resistance, get that shower out.

It was inevitable the Irish would turn on their heroes, they always do.

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Such a beautiful day today. The birds singing away there are delightful.

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You’re bang on mate. The way this little fucker addresses the nation is very demeaning. His next step will be to use a communication aid, like a hand puppet. I can see him now, sending out a little video tweet from his dining room. “Now boys and girls, we are so close to flattening the curve. The work you are all doing is ar fheabhas ar fad. What do you think Mr. Sharky?”



You boys need to mature a little.

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Mr sharky says you are all great boys and girls, go han mhaith

Bualadh bos go léir

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Our grandparents fought in war and those who didn’t suffered in poverty for 6 years during it. A lot more emigrated without ever seeing their families again. A few snowflakes here complaining about having to stay at home and not being able to go for a coffee. Awful weak willed cunts


They’d no coffee shops in those days you clown


Yeah the poor bastards had nothing and got on with it

Where did you family go off to while this crisis is ongoing again, mate?

Have a lovely day…

We definitely know the weak minded individuals on here now, lads who’d happily see the good guys burying their parents so they can get to a Pub.

Some lads love to be told what to think and what to do. You’d feel sorry for their kids. The next generation will be fucked altogether. We’ll be worse than China in 20 years time.


We’re a great nation, but we can also be idiots. This is generally visible when the first stretch of sunshine arrives and half the nation have faces and bodies tomato red. If someone’s Aunt Nuala forwards a WhatsApp that things are improving and it’s grand to go out ok, then the masses act accordingly. I’m no fan of a police state, but in this case, they have to. There’s been an increase in numbers congregating again, especially in the last week. The message needs to get through to these idiots .


what wars did your grandparents fight in?


No they don’t. You are promoting a very dangerous precedent.

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The War of Independence mate

that’s 1

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Civil War for IRA

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