Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

You want to kill the elderly

@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy wants to kill the planet opening up everything again

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Why do you enjoy the thoughts people dying? You’re all horned up by it just to have a jaunt to a pub or restaurant. It’s bizarre behaviour.

I’d imagine being a team player is not a positive trait of yours.

Here’s a concept that you, and many others are finding difficult to grasp: People die. Every day. Old and sick people, mostly, but sometimes young and seemingly healthy people die. There is nothing that you or anybody else can do to change that simple fact.

No mate. You’re being ridiculous. It’s like me accusing your grandparents of being filthy murderers because they fought in all those nonsense wars. War of Independence? :rofl: How did that work out for the country?

Cafés were only invented by hipsters in the 2000s.

Lad have you a head at all? Harry doesn’t give a hoot about old people. He’s a coward. He’s safe inside in his box and that’s all he cares about. People are using old people as an excuse. If you are over the age of 70 there’s fuck all point sitting in for 18 months in the hope of a cure. You should be taking every day as it comes at that stage. The whole thing is a cod. The cowards are happy to watch Netflix and get paid by the government for doing nothing. It’s just pure selfishness. The old people thing is really sad to see. In the last general election there was fellas dismissing old people’s votes. Now three months later they want to stop the world for them. Give me a break. Sad to see so many people’s businesses go up in smoke for nothing. The whole thing has been a cod. I presume now death is so bad all of a sudden nobody will drive their cars anymore for fear of a car accident…

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You might not know much about it up in Galway ye were too busy building stone walls like cavemen

That’s right. And laughing at your grandparents.

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I respect all honest opinion on this matter, it doesn’t need to be bitter, obvious wums aside naturally.

But I wonder has BOC has his wings clipped by top brass in RTÉ, he’s toeing the party line this week in the limited time I heard, last week he was veering the other way I felt

Who is BOC?

Anytime my belief in the lockdown is wavering I have a skin through some of the murdering quisling gimp cunts on this thread and it reminds me of what we’re fighting for.

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Like the quisling cunts ye are

Did granny and grandad kill any old people during the wars they fought in?


Gas remark from a chap crying about his Daddy in the past. Calling out posters & questioning their parenting abilities etc.

I’d say your parents might be secretly embarrassed by you if they knew the carryon on here.

Have a nice day, pal.

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A friend of mine’s aunt died yesterday.

I would have known the woman, although in all honesty, she probably wouldn’t have had a clue who I was but would have known my aunt and father well.

This woman had dementia for a number of years, and was in a nursing home. I hadn’t the heart to ask him if this cunt of a virus finished her off. She was a big GAA woman and well known in the small mountainy community she lived in. Because of this virus she won’t get the big send off she deserves. And you’ve people going on about people dying every day :man_shrugging: That’s correct but normally they get the dignified Irish wake/ funeral etc. It’s the one thing we tend to do well. As long as people act the maggot, it’ll be a long time before people get that somewhat cathartic experience.

This woman’s poor daughter has her father, partner/husband and mother all buried now and she’s probably not yet 40 (would have been in school and college with her)


Sorry for your loss. I really don’t know what to make of the rest of the post, though.

This lady is not getting a big Irish funeral, not because of a virus, but because the government and its advisors have mistakenly locked down the country in a futile effort to beat a virus. People who are not in an ‘at risk’ category, standing around a coffin and mourning someone’s passing is not going to push the death rate through the roof.


Highly contagious virus spread by people talking to, touching surfaces etc but it’s not an issue for healthy people?

You know something about how it’s spread that no one in Medical Care fields does?

Please enlighten us as to how it got over here in the first place?

If that poor lady was in Sweden she would have the usual funeral. If she was in Northern Ireland, not only would she have no funeral but as things stand nobody would be allowed visit her grave in the coming weeks as all cemeteries are shut to visitors. That NI position I think is both illogical and incredibly cruel to people grieving.

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