Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

Is the Wilton shopping centre still going? I used always go in there in 1995

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Indoors/backyard. Wrecked my zen.

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Yeah planning passed for major makeover, I love it , still small enough, local to me as a kid

This is exactly what will happen i think. The genie is out of the bottle now people can see the end dates and will start becoming more and more lax. The virus rates won’t spiral because people will still be fairly careful and the virus is a bit of an over egged cod. The vast majority of people will be back to work in a month. Fuck all long term economic damage will be done and there will be loads of long term benefits such as less traffic, more wfh, more time spent with family and we’ll realise we don’t need half the shit we thought was essential.


Great post boy, hit the nail on the head- priorities

Large % of our economies are based on tourism and the service industry. That’s not gonna to recover quickly.

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It will take a while but will recover. People and businesses will adapt. Most local pubs are starting to deliver food and other businesses will change their models too. I’ve had lots of experience of unemployment in my family and while it’s tough it’s not the end of the world either. People are resilient. Some posters here think ‘dolers’ have the life of Reilly and if that’s even half true they’ll be grand. Public sector workers might take a pay cut but once again they’ll whinge but survive. Even the tories are saying they’re not returning to austerity in a big way though.

Correct I’ve afew buddies in town with pubs who employ 30 + ppl full /part time inc food staff and owners have mortgages and rental property so you can imagine it’s going to be v difficult to survive unless this gets better


I had it in February sure.

The tide is turning, we’ll have a summer yet

Yeah when you put it like that actually it’s been a blessing really.

I think they should implement restrictions geographically as is set out in the legislation. Theres no cases whatsoever on the aran Islands or in multiple villages and parishes on the west coast.

We’d need to cocoon Tipperary though until about 2235

Is that long enough to cover the half life of tipperaryism?

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Get used to wearing a mask for the rest of your life.

Is the evidence on masks definitive one way or the other? We’re we told by Tony hoolahoop early on that they were only good for stopping the wearer passing infections on?

That seems to be all they are for. Helps stop people passing it on.

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Half the midlands needs to be dug out for a freshwater reservoir. Longford, roscommon and Tipperary might do the trick.

Respect your betters you pup.