Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

Reservoir, landfill or nuclear power plant. The choice is yours.

Nuclear power plant in Lorrha.

Ken Hogan is mutant enough i think


No they’ll have to change their business model and try to offer deals that will attract domestic tourists instead of trying to ride them up the hole like they did before. It will be about smaller Profit margins on offerings and surviving until foreigners return…

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How many people are directly and indirectly employed in aviation?

Freddie Sayers is picking up some pretty impressive interviews on Covid-19.

Interesting again, just like David Katz, Levitt was black listed from more liberal organisations like CNN for going on Fox.

I’m not saying they are not affected, I’m saying there are businessess in some industries that may have had it too good for a while and will now have to start thinking about their offering in order to ride this out.

Innovation is great and all and I trust the private sector to do so in time. But there will be a huge amount of ongoing pain in those industries.

It’ll be a bumper summer for places like West Cork and Kerry, which I would say are just as guilty if not more so than city based hotels, pubs and restaurants in ripping people off.


Maybe the super rich can give up a bit of their wealth and really high salaries can come down a bit more and we can get a slightly more equal society. There is definitely enough money to go around it’s just a matter of sharing it out more fairly. There will be nowhere for the ‘talent’ to emigrate to either so might be possible

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About 10/11k. AL and Ryanair have 7500 between them, add in a couple of k on the ground.

Will it though. They’ll get way more Irish than usual but the place is always packed with Spanish, Germans, French and yanks. We get something like 10m tourists a year so they’ll need the Irish to step it up big time to replace them. We won’t be buying the shite they hawk in the likes of Carroll’s either or doing the touristy shite they’ll do.

The summer is long over by August.

testing and anti body testing at airports could save the tourism industry, varadkar hasn’t a fucking clue

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Once the August weekends over, that’s it.

Anywhere near the coast in Ireland around august can be fairly miserable. The evenings get rapidly shorter. Without the gaa it’ll be a bastard of a month.

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That was interesting. He made a salient point when quoting Socrates at the end and said people should use their common sense instead of listening to rhetoric from governments. A few around here could do with heeding those words.

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