Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

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That’s very interesting. And if he was Irish, he’d be cocooning in his house, listening to waffle from El Tony and Leo, instead of coming out with sensible data-backed statements on the internet.


Ireland is safe in the hands of Dr Cervical check


It’ll be interesting to see what kind of change there is to the normal death rate of a country will be after this is all over.

This social distancing nonsense is a fad. The medical dictatorship and the media are only repeating the same trick they have done time and again throughout history.

In the 20th century doctors and the media discouraged breastfeeding. It was something only lower-classes did, and was considered disgusting. I mean, this was clearly a design flaw in a woman’s body and doctors and scientists knew what was best. Well, the doctors have come full circle and admitted that nature knew best all along.

And now, the medical dictatorship and media are coming after Oxytocin. It’s widely known that when a people hug or affectionately come into physical contact with each another, oxytocin is released. This can “strengthen social bonds, among other actions” and can help people suffering with depression. No. Fuck that. Lock them up and don’t let them come within arm’s reach of each other. :sheep: :sheep: :sheep:


It’ll be over by the end of the month

I’d say this is an awful time for people who suffer from depression. No ability to meet friends or family must be an absolute killer (literally in some instances, unfortunately).

I have a mate who’s mother is in a mental home. She’s not been outside nor had a visitor since 3rd of March.

I think it was @Mac who said it on another thread but a donation to the likes of Pieta house at this time could well save a life.


Washing hands is a farce. Like toilet paper

The father in law would be under severe pressure if he was to get this. He is 74 and had a partial lung removal after a chest infection went untreated back in the late 60s. Up to now he was cocooning and following the protocols to the letter. He and his wife would be very law abiding. Always pay the tv licence as soon as it was due, first to pay water charges, no penalty points for speeding. In 14 years I have never heard them pass 1 critical word about the government which has been FG for the most part.

But in the last few days they are just fatigued by the whole lot and are doing up a busy itinerary for the summer. The strict adherence has eased a bit with regards contact with grandkid and going to shop for Irish times crossword on a Saturday is worth the risk . Further evidence if I needed any that this lockdown has run its course.



It’s fascinating to watch lads making predictions as a coping strategy. Textbook.

Too busy dreaming to be happy living.

We’re very quick to forget in this country.

The day after Vicky Phelan stood on the steps of the High Court and said publicly that CervicalCheck had failed her and she now had terminal cancer, Dr. Tony advised Simon Harris against a review of CervicalCheck.

I strongly advise that you do not commit to a review of CervicalCheck arising from the recent court case…a review could unnecessarily undermine public confidence in CervicalCheck…

…state that you have asked me to provide a report on the matter, including whether further actions or steps are required

Is anybody actually left adhering to the lock down?

Good guys such as yourself are.

Busy out there today. Lots of people have decided no risk in being outside together. They are probably right.

Big crowds in the Phoenix Park. They appear to be all abiding by social distancing rules but I’d imagine the lock it down brigade will be outraged

It’s either go outside and get corona’ed or stay inside and endure Jim Carney’s commentary. A lot of lads willing to take their chances.

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That’s it passed through the world and nothing was going to stop it. Tb vaccine was a help, general good health and a functioning health system.