Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

For the UK day 70 was the 10th of April, the number of confirmed cases since has more than doubled there. Without checking I’d say the U.S. would present similar if not more extreme. The sentiment of his hypothesis may hold some water at a point in the future, even a stopped clock is right twice a day. His numbers are absolutely atrocious.

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Theres a death every 44 seconds in the U.S. with the bastern thing.

Brenda on Facebook vindicated


Open the pubs

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I’d say we must be on our 3rd wave by now

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I’ve said it here before convinced the eldest had it the end of December was flattened for a week terrible cough sweats etc Doc wasn’t sure what it was gave the usual antibiotics and it cleared up in about 10 days


That’s a sad stat - I have plenty of empathy for those affected financially by this but much of the lame “it’s just the flu” with supporting distorted stats is coming from big business.

WW3 and trump will romp home after claiming china knew. Start the championship next week

I’m actually beginning to think I had it myself in December.

I think that feckin horse you gave me last night definitely had it


I was in London in early February and was sick for a week afterwards.

It must have been Covid.

@Rocko can you post out a few test kits there. Looks like tfk was riddled with it before twas even discovered.

I had it when I was a young fella


I went one better and got vaccinated for it there in August

That number seems far more sensational than it actually is. It’s been done to death here already, but just to say once again that Covid-19 is being incorrectly attributed to a significant number of deaths. Also, considering the fact that somebody dies every 11 seconds in the USA, “1 death every 44 seconds due to Covid-19” is actually saying that 1 in 4 deaths are being attributed to Covid-19. I would have expected it to be much higher.

Dont know chief. I was watching cnn there earlier on. That’s what they were saying.

Not arguing the stat Mike. Just think it’s a sensationalist way of presenting it.

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Mike, tip on over to the aulds birds that you would shag thread.

I was there already