Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

Maybe stay over there as the aul schtick is boring the bollocks out of me.

What are you rambling on about now eh?


Wind your neck in you cur

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Would a state owned airline be of huge benefit to us in the next 18 months?

You could call it Flybejesus

What do we need a state airline for if no one can go anywhere?

A sad state of air-fares

When things open up a bit wouldn’t cheap flights be key to getting tourism going again?

And how would a state airline achieve that over say Ryanair?

Leo, Tony and Simon will need to be flown around the world to accept honours for their performance.

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Ryanair rely too much on business travel. That won’t be coming back anytime soon surely.

And what’s this magical state airline going to do for us? They all rely on business travel

Subsidise flights to try and get tourists flying again. I can only see flights with the likes of Ryanair getting really expensive.

It’s illegal to do that

Really? Is there any state airlines left?

Yes, but a state can’t subsidise airlines in the EU.

Now the fundamental building blocks of the EU have been casually thrown aside without so much as a discussion in the last few weeks, so subsiding flights might be a fairly minor infraction

You could give away free flights for the next year or so and people still wouldn’t take them up.

The Italians are doing it.