Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

…and nothing happened, other than cunts like Bill Gates taking over the world.

Gates and the wife are two dangerous cunts


Dr Cercival Check causing even more deaths

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Sinn Féin’s core support.

Is ventilation doing more harm than good?

the lock it down crew are like the Japanese soldiers still fighting ww2 on remote pacific islands in the 1970’s. Holding out until their superior officer are tracked down 30 years later and told the war is over


Shoot the deserters

He’s cleared the a and e queues too. No ones having accidents anymore or anything. Holohan is on the brink of fixing sickness as a concept in the country


Don’t forget the role the media played in all this. I wouldn’t give those cunts an inch. The full power of the Broadcasting Act in Ireland became apparent back in March.


I’m afraid the death toll from this kind of thing could in the mid term lead to more deaths then fatalities linked directly to covid

Undoubtedly, 7 weeks of delayed cancer diagnosis alone. It’s gone beyond belief at this stage.


The lockdown crew are scrambling for cover.

Spain extending their Lockdown? I thought they were open for business again.

You’re right on the money. Their fingerprints are everywhere you look. Pumping millions into Dirty Doctor Ferguson’s “research”. Pals with Mike Ryan, who has been ratcheting up the fear-mongering around coronavirus. There has got to be an agenda…

There’s a financial reward in the US for diagnosing patients with Covid-19 and a further financial reward for putting them on a ventilator.

@anon7035031 has previously posted on the risks of intubating and ventilators, but when you factor in the money angle, it spells disaster.

The one thing I will say about America, though, is at least they have the balls to protest against what is happening. You have got to tip your hat to their suspicion of big government, which is probably rooted in the fact that the nation rose from the ashes of revolution.

What does it say about Paddy? Ah shur, it’ll be grand. The only protest I read about was a family up in Mayo protesting outside Mayo General Hospital due to patients that tested negative for Covid-19 being placed in Covid-19 wards with infected patients.

Theres noone scrambling for cover here. Last time I checked we were still in lockdown here. Now whether we like it or not, the government have decided on this course of action and dont look to be changing their minds any time soon. Whether or not that’s the right course of action, theres enough trainee epidemiologists and virologists on this forum to debate it among themselves. Either way the best we can hope for is that if all goes relatively well, they may or may not expedite the reopening of the country sometime in mid summer.
Whatever your thoughts on it, be be grateful you’re not living on the other side of the Irish sea.

No mate. That is not the best we can hope for. In fact, it’s a long way short of the best. How about we start holding our public servants accountable? For a start, at least…


Paddy thinks its going to magically disappear if he is locked down long enough


Let me rephrase. We can always hope for more. What we get is a different kettle of fish. Yes I agree there should be a rigorous post mortem after this. Will it happen? Doubt it

You’re worse for replying to that liar