Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

A work colleague who was a confirmed case and recovered offered to donate platelets after she got all clear as she heard of this treatment. The HSE declined and said it not a plausible treatment. That was over a month ago. Hopefully this can help

I think the problem is scalability, but if the number of cases are low and it’s an effective treatment for the seriously ill then it has to be looked at. It’s relatively risk free as well versus some of the shit they are trying

Agreed if there is a low risk I say would be worth it. No shortage of donors either. I say the what 20k infected and mostly have recovered will be happy to donate if fit enough to. Could be a great weapon for doctors

We should send all these lock down merchants to China since they are enjoying being told what to do so much


Neil Ferguson, who is funded to tune of millions by the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, re-hashed a code that a college student would be embarrassed by.

According to real epidemiologists, Covid-19 is a “mild disease” and similar to the flu, and it was the novelty of the disease that scared people. We know that the virus has been in Europe since December at the latest, and that date could be moved backwards as more information comes to light. The natural peak would have been hit in March/April, with or without a lockdown.

And yet, the Guardian are rushing in to support the lockdown agenda and disgraced pretend scientist, Prof. Pantsdown Lockdown.


Owen Jones the little twerp loves telling peolle what to do and think. He was one of magic grandpas main cheerleaders and the electorate told him to get fucked.


a thundering bollix

The loony left want a bankrupt economy.

It will be super fair when everyone is broke.


Is it Zen Buddhism that says something bad happens to stop something even worse happening?

A lot of good will come from this, I’m certain of that, there will be casualties all over but we never lived in an ideal world

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Old age and compromised immune systems for the most part.


Lefties love telling others what to do, particularly when it imposes hardship on them. Not so good at following their own rules though

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The experts are now saying it wasn’t even a pandemic in the first place.

I was down at Dunnes Stores in Cornelscourt. Load of lads in shorts, t shirts and flip flops buying artisan cheeses and breads.

Some fucker in a pair of Leinster shorts arrives wearing a mask. Then I see the cunt with no mask inside the shop drinking a coffee.

The Micks think they are on holiday in Spain. Time to open the country back up ta fuck.

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You’d have to ask would the world be any worse off?


You’re bang on. Of course, it won’t stop lads screaming for lockdown and demanding for a vaccine, as if that’s the silver bullet. I’m not so sure how much faith I’d be putting in a rushed biologic (note: not a medicine) that has not been put through a full placebo-controlled study. A case of jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire?

How long did it take to get in?

Half an hour. But once in nobody is in there so fly around and no queues for checkouts. I’d limit my trips there as much as I can though as it’s a pain in the arse.

Queuing may be more painful in November.

I wouldn’t be holding out for a vaccine. 35 years on from HIV and they still don’t have one.