Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

Hiding away in doors, constantly washing our hands and not touching anything or anyone … Yeah, there’s nothing wrong with that at all.


It was some Craic there on the day the lockdown was announced. Absolute bedlam and the fuckers would mow you down with a trolley and they spilling over with toilet paper and me only in for a bit of Sheridans cheese.


What kind of cheese did you get in the end?

Montagnolo Blue and a beautiful Gruyère.


I’ve stopped following figures and cases a few weeks now … But were we not roughly on par with Denmark about a months ago?? We’ve since doubled their figures in cases and tripled in deaths and they are back open about 3 weeks now?

What’s going on here?

The Danes have a homecare model where as we have large care centres like Sweden seems to be the thing. This is helping on the front end and the backend, if you can reduce any form of hospitalisations then you also avoid your healthcare workers getting it.

Lockdowns don’t work. The only thing that works is protecting those that are likely to die from COVID-19. Ireland (like most countries to be fair) has done the opposite, protected the 95% who won’t get seriously ill let alone die, while failing miserably at protecting the vulnerable.



Social distancing and protection for the vulnerable

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Charlie Chawke says he is going to resume trading at his 7 pubs on the 29th of June. (6 in Dublin and 1 in Limerick)

He has he had restaurant licenses which give him the right to open as a restaurant.

This lad

He has two pubs in adare does he not?

No idea. He actually as 9 altogether.

id Be surprised if any pub with a restaurant licence doesn’t do this.

Charlie owns The GOAT. They’d be well able to make a fist of social distancing there anyway.

‘Johnny the GOAT’ was supposed to do me a turn a few months back but he let me down so I won’t be going back there in a hurry.

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All shops open here for a week now. Bars and restaurants reopen May 18th. Restaurants open for takeaway for the last couple of weeks. Pre schools reopened. Hairdressers in a week. 25 degrees here today and the place is buzzing. Open it up ta fuck lads.


I’d rather wait till august than go to Poland for pints being honest

Momentum is building and it looks like I’ll be on the field of play in July.