Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

Ye won’t be open til October.

I went down to Howth there to get fish for the tea. It was ludicrous. Absolutely swarming with humans.

The OIUTF crew have had enough

I’d say quite a lot of people live within 5k of Howth

Great to see so many out exercising within their 5k zone

Yeah we had great peace with the 2k


The lockdown is over lads. The people are done.


The Irish people have decided that this lock down is over, no more bowing to the medical dictatorship.


Mon to the pub ta fuck

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Groups of teens back hanging around outside.

They are our future and they have spoken.

When are ye going to get into your thick fucking skulls that this bastard is here to stay, there’s not going to be a vaccine and we need to fucking get on with it. The dirty sneaky bastard targets our oldest and most vulnerable so lets protect them as much as we can, stop retweeting and liking that creep Simon Harris’s thoughts on his journey through being one of the worst health ministers in our history, stop listening to Dr Cervical Check about let’s just pause life for a few few years and OPEN THE FUCKING THING UP. OPEN IT UP YE FUCKING CUNTS.



The love in on social media is fuelling the blue shirt spin machine. Leo is the spin master. Only reason he got the top job over Coveney

It’s easy to see how we were colonised by the brits. A lot of the lock it up to fuck crews ancestors were probably hiding under their beds back then too, or else found their lifes calling a “Peeler” as Dan Breen would call them.


Passed through Kilbarrack there. Big house party going on in the front yard of one of those red brick duplexes at the Dart. Tough looking bunch of lads.

Soup for lockdown

Hold the line

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Open up ta fuk

What about the environment pal?