Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread


Reduced flights

Cut the herd

The new norm

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And south facing windows for all.

I love your passion on this issue. I spent half an hour in the car park of the CoOp in Limerick yesterday dialling their number to order herbicide spray ( CC @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy ) and have them bring it out to me. It was constantly engaged and I must have called them 20 times before I got through.

Now, why the fuck is a place like this place closed to the public when Dunnes and Tesco are rammed with people for the past 8 weeks and 98% of us are still fine. The poor cunts working in there have their heads melted from this pricking around.


I was just listening to Elon Musk shooting the breeze with the great Joe Rogan. Elon mentioned that he has 7k employees in china and not one of them died.
He also said the American stats are utter bullshit.
He basically said we should open her up ta fuck.


The odd one has died from roaring laughing at us.

Elon has a bit much skin in the game to be speaking objectively I’d fear

He also stated that all of Tesla’s hundreds of Chinese suppliers are tearing away.

Did he accuse anyone of being a paedophile?

Ok mate.

His Neura link project is frightening to be honest.

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As is the name he gave his new born daughter

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He mentioned a few of the Tyrone lads alright

Nows not the time to quit lads

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They reckon herd immunity could take 14 years.

Hold the line.

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So i was told today. From as reliable a source as any other on this.

14 years of lockdown cant wait


In one way its a pity that people questioning the lockdown here and in the UK are the worst kind of cunts imaginable Gemma, Peter casey, nick Griffin etc. But at the same time it’s food for thought too.
Id love to see some respected public figure with a brain come down on the OIUTF side

From a look at Instagram last night plenty of people are ignoring lockdown by having bbqs and drinks with friends not in their household.