Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

Inspirational. Up there with ‘where your fucking pride’. Where’s your pride lads. Stay the course.

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Fuck off Tony, there’s was no talk of everyone in it together, when you told Leo there was no need to review cervical check


I know of two people who have been tested in the last week or so, one waiting a week and the other waiting 5 days for results.
The one waiting a week is a nurse working in a nursing home. They tested them all in the home as a precaution and no one has gotten results back yet.
Even if they were all negative when it was taken they might not be now a full week later. If they are positive they’ve been spending the week spreading it around. Is it any wonder the places are being wiped out.
2.4 days me bollox

israel have signed out

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What’s your view on the whole thing from an irish point of view mickee?

That’s what they get for electing the People’s Front of Judea instead of the Judean People’s Front.

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German R Rate is back around 1 again. I guess it’s to be expected with any easing up of restrictions. Mass services resumed today. Big gathering at a favourite cathederal of mine in Cologne. Everything is back open now.

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Completely back to normal?

That’s not to be expected at all according to a lot of people. Lockdown doesn’t make any difference was the main message on here from the OIUTF crew

I think would be very bad news as cases increase very quickly when it goes above one don’t they.

I think they nearly need to lift restrictions fairly quickly here to quell dissent either way. If the rate rises very quickly lock it down again and this time there will be full compliance. If it doesn’t rise very quickly happy days. Its all too unknown at this stage for people to comply fully for this long.

Cmon Ireland

The safe ploy for Ireland here is to hauld tough why the Continentals experiment with OIUTFIng.

Let’s see what the curves, trajectories and R numbers are for Fritz and Pierre by next Sunday. If we are at 200 (cc @Esteban_de_la_Sexfac), then lock it back down ta fuck (LIBDTF).


Vaccines are not classed as “medicines”. They are considered “biological products” and, as such, do not have to go through the same safety testing as medicines. The only way I’d take a vaccine for Covid-19 is if placebo-controlled studies are carried out first, and the results are positive. You’d want your head examined to even consider taking a rush-job vaccine

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I’m placing my faith in this guy.


Hold firm

And written by @Bandage’s pal Niamh Horan - must be spot on


The Germans were too good at locking it down. It’ll come back to haunt them

Germany’s “success” is due to only counting people who actually died of COVID-19 and not those who died of COVID-1 through 18 or maybe had it 6 months ago like Breda on Facebook.

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