Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

The OIUTF crew have been very quiet today

We’ve the argument won. You’d want to be some mug to be left on the other side


Flogging a dead horse at this stage.

Germany lost ye the argument

I’m off to the North on my holidays

The Northside?

In fairness who would have expected a highly contagious virus to spread more as people stopped isolating. No one could have foreseen that.


Over to the Woodfield

We all have to get it mate. Better the young and healthy

The OIUTF crowd will live or die by Boris decision

You’re right. Lock it down forever.

There was apparently no evidence that lockdown worked to lower the number of people getting the virus, well there is now anyway

Who would have thought a highly contagious virus would continue to spread after ordering people to stay at home, except for going to the shops a few times a day and mingling with dozens of other people and picking up stuff that hundreds had touched before.

Nobody argued that the measures taken have not reduced the overall number of infections. The argument is that to stop infections you have to lock down completely forever which isn’t practical. A half assed lockdown just spreads out the infections over a longer time period.

There was a poster who reckoned opening it up would actually reduce numbers. Ah we’re all entitled to guess I suppose.

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Do you believe lockdowns should continue as long as there are any cases?

In a strange way the more a mess you make of this the better off you’ll be in the long run.
Lads are betting their entire lives on a vaccine for something that might not even be possible to get a vaccine for. Our best hope is a better understanding and a better treatment


I would say an effective and safe vaccine is a very very long shot. We have no vaccine for any coronavirus, including SARS-1 which is 96% the same as this one (the 4% is the bits the bat woman in the Wuhan lab added).

I’m not in anyway anti vaccine. We just brought the young one for her 4th or 5th round of them, but I’d be wary enough about taking any vaccine they come up with in a rush. It takes a long time to develop a vaccine for a reason. Given what we know so far, I’d rather take my chances with the virus


Open up ta fuck. The deaths and infections in high risk are the problem. ICU numbers are the ones to watch