Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

It never started.

No one really knows if the virus is under control here but you have to get on with living. Seems to be worst in the Slask region around Katowice. A lot of the coal miners have it.


As you’d expect, groups that are pre-disposed to interstitial lung diseases are highly susceptible to a severe acute respitory syndrome.

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The show must go on. Trust people to take reasonable precautions and let them get on with their lives.


They haven’t trusted us yet treating the people like children. Dont thinking will change. We will be the blame if there is a spike not the testing and contract tracing systems that they had weeks to set up

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Will be sorted next week at this stage I’d say.

Great office answer, keep saying it and people will forget

Be faster for the government to send a few plane loads of people over to Hong Kong every day and get their test results over there

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Yeah, they announced yesterday that by next week they’d be doing 15k tests per week and they’d have the contact tracing done within 3 days for 90% of cases. They’ve met all their targets so far. Job is oxo.

cc @Heyyoubehindthebushes, @Appendage

Edit: 15k tests PER DAY, not PER WEEK.

Are they not aiming for 15,000 per day?

What about the 100k a week target few weeks ago, have they forgot about that? Or is it an IT issue again or reagents or test centres or swabs. They seem to be clueless as to where their constraints in the system are

Oh yes, typo/sloppy error.

It’ll be sorted next week though.

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…Google CEO Eric Schmidt, who joined the governor’s briefing to announce that he will be heading up a panel to reimagine New York state’s post-Covid reality, with an emphasis on permanently integrating technology into every aspect of civic life


Wait til @the_runt sees this

Eric already knows what you had for breakfast.

I don’t know if this is a well established term…but this morning I’ve read two articles about a “Nike shaped recovery” becoming more likely.

Not U, V or even L shaped, but a Nike swoosh shaped recovery. A steep drop followed by a very slow recovery.

Just do it

Recovery will be more Reebok-esque. The hospitality and manufacturing sectors will recover at different rates, towards a plateau, but a future virus outbreak will cause a sharp plummet again.


I’m off to buy some sneakers.

Not only downwards but backwards in time also. Terrifying