Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

I havent read this thread in the past 18 days and I’m not going to bother catching up but I just had a conversation with my Italian housemate. Previously she was the strongest pro-lockdown person I know. She hasnt left the apartment in 2 months, she says the irish lockdown is a joke and it’s not working because it’s not strict enough, she shouts at the TV that Tony Holohan is a killer because if the fuck-acting on whether to have mandatory face masks or not.

Anyway she’s been watching a lot of Italian tv online and there was a major 180 degree change from her this morning.

Now, the Italian economy is collapsing because the government wont ease the restrictions and the opening guidelines are too strict. Noone wants to go into a restaurant if they have to wear a face mask or if theres plexiglass in the middle of the table so all that has to go. Social distancing means that restaurants cant squeeze in enough tables to pay their rent so that has to go as well. The whole lockdown was the right thing to do atthe time but it’s turned into a conspiracy by wealthy all-right-jacks who have no idea how real people are suffering. There will be rioting and the only reason there isn’t rioting in ireland is because irish people don’t know what real suffering is. If hospitals were properly organised the lockdown wouldnt be necessary.

The lockdown will end across europe within 2 weeks I predict and it wont come back no matter how bad it gets.

Anyway would anyone kindly summarise the last 18 days and 500+ posts on this thread for me please?


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Sounds like your typical Italian living in Ireland always giving out about how shit Ireland is while their own crime-ridden shithole economic basket case of a country is so much better.


:eyes: You’ve hopped over the fence pal?

I was summing up the thread for him.

Iirc it’s mostly just of bunch of strangers arguing with each other on the INTERNET really. Fucking weirdos


Italy is the most beautiful country in the world. It has perfect weather, the best food, the greatest history and culture and the most beautiful and interesting people.

Unfortunately it is also a crime-ridden shithole economic basket case.

Actually now that I know a lot of Italians I’m not surprised that their country collapsed. The one I live with is ok. Most of them literally cant organise a piss-up in a brewery. They cant go for dinner with each other because 5 of them cant agree on anything without fighting. Its embarrassing how they conquered europe, thankfully not Ireland though.

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Agreed apart from the most interesting people part. I find quite a few of them to be very arrogant,

Any shape?

The Germans look down their nose at them and think they are stupid. It’s fascinating to watch. I’d say it’s to do with the war.

The Germans look down their noses at everyone in fairness. Any Italian person I know hates the French as well but gets on really well the Spanish, weird little dynamics going all.

Ceaser knew better then to take Mick on.

Mate, look at the opening post. Nothing has changed.

They did conquer Ireland. The first wave failed, but the cult of Rome was very successful with the second wave.


Spanish wouldn’t be too fond of the Italians… Olive rivals… Luis enrique opened up like a packet of crisps by tassoti… There’s a bit of niggle there…

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Probably more to do with the 82 world cup final.

Lads are grieving for a life that no longer exists. We’re only at Anger and Bargaining

  • SHOCK & DENIAL- You will probably react to learning of the loss with numbed disbelief. …
  • PAIN & GUILT- …
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That’s depressingly pathetic.