Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

Poor mans kilkee and sandy.

I can’t go two miles over the bridge into South Kilkenny but I could drive the sixty miles to Lismore.

It’s a joke alright.

Aren’t you as well out of it


Was about to make a similar point. Surely it should be regionalised

The lads who made that 20km from your home app have just been handed their tea in a mug.


Just lock the fucking Dubs in and let the rest of us go about our lives

Been done up like a kipper.

The day after they launched the app.

They want to keep the virus in dublin…

I wonder will there be a roadblock at the bridge in youghal?

We’ll ring fence our taxes here too. Win win

Especially all the MNCs are paying… :wink:

You’ll be allowed cross county borders as long as you’re within 20k of your home

Limerick is my county … So I can travel any where in Limerick but no where in Cork?


If the border is less than 20km from your home can you travel freely then in the other county?

Lads in Kilbeheny are elected

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Do you fancy doing a night raid home one of the weeks?

I’ll go the kilmallock way and you go charleville.

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Pure stealth

Actually the best way would be back along by ballylanders.

That’s the way i go on match day … Bomb out the motorway at 150km - and snake in the back road.